- FV3 Dycore Posts
- MPAS tutorials
- Installing Dycores
- LeatGrakes
- Moonshot Ideas
- NCL Script Documentation
- Todo
- AMR Research
- Transport Algorithms
- Climate 451 Final Project
- Climate 589
- Main Glass Post
- Grad School Applications
- My experience writing a GRFP application
- What the DOE looks for in a CSGF application
- clever steady state
- Scientific Computing
- A quick to set up trash alias for bash
- Defensive Bash Boilerplate
- Variable resolution computational cost estimation!
- Some slurm hacks
- An Easy-to-implement Numerical Recipe for Computing Spherical Harmonics
- Efficiently allocating resources in sbatch scripts
- Using Globus to access locker on GreatLakes
- Conference posters
- Directories
- The two-mountain gravity wave
- Science Communication
- scratch
- climate411
- eecs587
- E3SM
- AEROSP 567
- Community Earth System Model lifehacks
- 2022/05/05 CAM FV3 install on UM GreatLakes system
- CAM devel install on UM GreatLakes system
- Adding new namelist options
- Average regridding
- Cheyenne Submission Script
- Installing Locally in Containerized form
- Getting started with NetCDF4 and Python.
- Manually regridding
- A singularity container for CESM
- CLaSP 586
- DCMIP 2024
- Tropical dynamics
- math
- Building and running the MPAS shallow water core
- Physics Dynamics Coupling
- SEAS 577
- STATS 700
- Papers
- Deep Atmosphere HOMME
- Code modifications
- Doing the hamiltonian myself
- Plan June 2023
- Plan March 2023
- Bulk Mass Coordinates
- Final init
- Hybrid Coordinates
- eta-to-eta initialization
- efficient IMEX
- Non-local initialization
- jan 12
- matsuno gill
- Benchmarking the first functional checkpoint
- Porting DA HOMME to C++
- Thermo forcing
- Notes on papers
- Optimizing IMEX convergence
- Running Held-suarez on a reduced-radius earth
- Storylines?
- Semi-deep UMJS
- jax homme
- Causality