Installing MPAS on GreatLakes

Introductory notes:

Installation was done without shared libraries.

This was done in order to rectify linker errors that occured during MPAS compilation. There may be a combination of compile flags and environment variables that does not have errors, but I have not tested it.

The gcc compiler was used for the final install.

It is likely that the compilation would succeed when an intel compiler was used, however a installation was never performed with any version of the intel compiler.

Compilation of dependencies must be performed in a directory on /scratch

The network volume that hosts your $HOME directory uses an NFS filesystem with caching enabled. This prevents installation of the mpich dependency. /scratch is a GPFS (general purpose file system), and thus works. I have not tested whether install files can be moved to $HOME after compilation, or even whether it is stable to write to non-/scratch directories. Initial tests writing small files to $HOME indicate that it works, but it may fail silently for larger files or with more nodes.

Dependencies: their versions and interdependence

0. Create a directory on /scratch

  1. Ensure by running echo $PATH or examining your .bashrc that your bash has no modules loaded (e.g. due to CESM build). In particular, Ensure that you have not loaded any version of OpenMPI
  2. Define a variable in your .bashrc that points to your scratch directory, and call it ${scratch}. This variable is used throughout the provided scripts.
  3. create a subdirectory to hold your dependencies and their source files. The following list shows the directory structure that I use:
  • ${scratch}/dependencies: contains install directories for dependencies
    • ${scratch}/dependencies/src: contains all source files for dependencies

1. gcc

  1. Run module load gcc/8.2.0. This will load the executables gfortran and gcc.


  1. run which gfortran and ensure that it points to the one for the gcc 8.2.0 package, as opposed to /usr/bin
  2. run which gcc to do the same check

2. mpich 3.3.2

  1. While in the directory $scratch/dependencies/src run wget
  2. Extract the file, e.g. tar -xf mpich-3.3.2.tar.gz
  3. cd $scratch/dependencies/src/mpich-3.3.2
  4. See the file in appendix below, and put this in a bash script, e.g. $scratch/dependencies/src/mpich-3.3.2/
  5. Modify the prefix=... to point to the directory in which you want your dependencies to install.
  6. I recommend creating a new bash shell at this point, e.g. running bash. We will be setting many environment variables.
  7. Run source
  8. Run make * In the event of problems, run make clean and make VERBOSE=1, or see This document
  9. If installation is successful, run make install
  10. Close out of the nested bash shell, e.g. press control-d


  1. Check the folder that the variable $prefix points to. Does it contain bin, include, lib, and share?


When building HDF5 with support for parallel I/O, using either of the OpenMPI versions provided on GreatLakes causes tests in the HDF5 test suite to fail, for more info see Here. This is why we install a separate MPI implementation.

3. zlib 1.2.11

  1. In your $scratch/dependencies/src run wget
  2. decompress resulting file, e.g. tar -xf zlib-1.2.11.tar.gz
  3. cd $scratch/dependencies/src/zlib-1.2.11
  4. See the file below, and put it in a bash script in this folder, e.g. $scratch/dependencies/src/zlib-1.2.11/
  5. Modify the line export PATH=$scratch/dependencies/mpich/bin:$PATH to point to your mpich install bin directory.
  6. Modify the line prefix=... to point to your zlib install dir.
  7. Create a new bash shell, e.g. run bash
  8. Run source
  9. Run make
  10. Run make check
  11. Run make install
  12. Close out of the nested bash shell


  1. make check will test for correct functionality of the compiled libraries.
  2. Ensure that libraries are installed in the folder that the $prefix variable above points to.


I only found the make commands in zlib to fail because the mpicc executable created by mpich was misconfigured. Ensure that the variable MPICH_CC is actually being exported correctly.

4. curl 7.71.1

  1. In your $scratch/dependencies/src directory run wget
  2. Uncompress the resultant file, e.g. tar -xf curl-7.71.1.tar.gz
  3. cd curl-7.71.1
  4. See the script in the appendix. Copy this to a script in the current directory, e.g. $scratch/dependencies/src/curl-7.71.1/
  5. Ensure that the export PATH... line points to your mpich bin install.
  6. Set the $prefix variable to where curl should be installed.
  7. Create a nested bash shell
  8. Run source
  9. Run make
  10. Run make install
  11. Close out of nested bash shell

5. hdf5 1.10.6

  1. in your $scratch/dependencies/src directory run wget -O hdf5-1.10.6.tar.gz
  2. Decompress the file, e.g. tar -xf hdf5-1.10.6.tar.gz
  3. cd hdf5-1.10.6
  4. See the script below, and transfer it to a script in this directory, e.g. $scratch/dependencies/src/hdf5-1.10.6/
  5. Ensure that the $PATH and $prefix variables are set correctly. See above.
  6. Ensure that the $zlib variable points to your zlib install location.
  7. Create a nested bash shell
  8. Run source
  9. Run make
  10. Run make check
  11. Run make install
  12. Close out of nested bash shell.


The versions up to this point are not all that important, however having a version of hdf5 > 1.10 appears to be important when compiling ParallelIO later. Also, the make check will take a long time. I recommend actually taking the time as if it fails it may silently cause huge problems down the line. Note that running make before make check isn't redundant: tests will fail if you do not run make first.

6. netcdf-c 4.7.4 (without parallel)

  1. In the directory $scratch/dependencies/src run wget
  2. Decompress file, e.g. tar -xf v4.7.4.tar.gz
  3. cd netcdf-c-4.7.4
  4. See script below. Copy it to the current directory e.g. $scratch/dependencies/src/netcdf-c-4.7.4/
  5. Ensure that the $prefix and $PATH variables are set correctly.
  6. Ensure that the $zlib and $hdf5 variables point to the install locations you specified previously.
  7. Create a nested bash shell
  8. run source
  9. run make
  10. run make check
  11. run make install
  12. Close out of nested bash shell


Eventually we will need netcdf-c to be compiled with PNetCDF compatibility. However, the PNetCDF library requires netcdf-c as a dependency. Thus we will need to compile both netcdf-c and netcdf-fortran before compiling PNetCDF, and then again afterwards.

7. netcdf-fortran 4.5.3

  1. In the directory $scratch/dependencies/src run wget
  2. Decompress file, e.g. tar -xf v4.5.3.tar.gz
  3. cd netcdf-fortran-4.5.3
  4. See script in appendix below, and copy it to a script e.g. $scratch/dependencies/src/netcdf-fortran-4.5.3/
  5. Ensure that the $prefix and $PATH variable are set correctly
  6. Ensure that the $hdf5, $zlib, $curld, and $NETCDF_C variables are set to the install locations of their respective libraries
  7. Create nested bash shell
  8. run source
  9. run make
  10. run make check
  11. run make install
  12. Close out of nested bash shell

8. pnetcdf 1.11.2

  1. In the directory $scratch/dependencies/src run wget
  2. Decompress file, e.g. tar -xf pnetcdf-1.11.2.tar.gz
  3. cd pnetcdf-1.11.2
  4. See script in appendix, copy to a script in current directory e.g. $scratch/dependencies/src/pnetcdf-1.11.2/
  5. Ensure that $PATH variable is set correctly, and that the $PNETCDF variable points to the install location for the pnetcdf library.
  6. Ensure that the $NETCDF_C and $NETCDF_F variables are set to the install locations of the respective libraries.
  7. Create a nested bash shell
  8. run source
  9. run make
  10. run make check
  11. run make ptests
  12. run make install
  13. Close out of nested bash shell

9. netcdf-c with pnetcdf

Run through previous netcdf-c instructions but with the bash script below.

10. netcdf-fortran with pnetcdf

Run through previous netcdf-fortran instructions but with the bash script below.


This step may not be necessary. I include it out of an abundance of caution and a paranoid distrust of anything to do with the linker.

11. ParallelIO (shudders)

  1. In the directory $scratch/dependencies/src run git clone or just ask me for a gzip of the code. See notes below.
  2. cd ParallelIO
  3. See script below, and copy it to a script in the current directory, e.g. $scratch/dependencies/src/ParallelIO/
  4. Ensure that the $PATH and $prefix variables are set correctly
  5. Ensure that the $NETCDF_C, $NETCDF_F, $PNETCDF, $hdf5, and $zlib variables point to the install locations of their respective libraries.
  6. Create a nested bash shell
  7. run source
  8. run make
  9. run make check
  10. run make install
  11. exit nested bash shell


When testing this library with any released version from 2.4.3 to 2.5 I could not get tests to pass successfully. As of my writing this there is a new release (2.5.1) which I have not tested. I could only get these tests to pass by cloning the master branch of the repository. If this code has changed since I wrote this, I can send you the gzip of the source.

Installing MPAS itself:

  1. The MPAS installation can be done in a subdirectory of $HOME. In whatever directory you want your MPAS source code in, run wget
  2. Decompress file, e.g. tar -xf v7.0.tar.gz
  3. cd MPAS-Model-7.0
  4. See script below, and copy into a script in this directory.
  5. ensure that the $PATH variable is set correctly.
  6. ensure that the $NETCDF variable points to your netcdf-c install directory, your $NETCDFF variable points to your netcdf-fortran install directory, your $PIO variable points to your ParallelIO install and your $PNETCDF, $hdf5, and $zlib variables point to their respective libraries' install locations.
  7. Create a nested bash shell
  8. Run source
  9. Run make gfortran CORE=init_atmosphere PRECISION=single
  10. Run make clean CORE=atmosphere
  11. Run make gfortran CORE=atmosphere PRECISION=single


See This tutorial for more information.


==================================================================== This appendix contains the bash scripts referenced elsewhere in this document for reference.

  module load gcc/8.2.0
  export CC=gcc
  export CXX=g++
  export FC=gfortran
  export F77=gfortran
  ./configure --prefix=$prefix --enable-shared

module load gcc/8.2.0
export PATH=$scratch/dependencies/mpich/bin:$PATH
export MPICH_CC=gcc
export CC=mpicc
export FC=mpif90
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$scratch/dependencies/mpich/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}
./configure --prefix=$prefix --enable-shared

module load gcc/8.2.0
module load gcc/8.2.0
export PATH=$scratch/dependencies/mpich/bin:$PATH
export MPICH_CC=gcc
export CC=mpicc
export FC=mpif90
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$scratch/dependencies/mpich/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}
./configure --prefix=$prefix --enable-shared

module load gcc/8.2.0
export PATH="$scratch/dependencies/mpich/bin:$PATH"
export MPICH_CC=gcc
export MPICH_FC=gfortran
export CC=mpicc
export CXX=mpicc
export FC=mpif90

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$scratch/dependencies/mpich/lib:${zlib}/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}
export LIBS="-ldl"
export CFLAGS="-g"

./configure --prefix=$prefix --with-zlib=$zlib --enable-parallel --enable-shared

module load gcc/8.2.0
export PATH=$scratch/dependencies/mpich/bin:$PATH
export MPICH_CC=gcc
export MPICH_FC=gfortran
export CC=mpicc
export FC=mpif90
export CPPFLAGS="-I$hdf5/include -I$zlib/include"
export LDFLAGS="-L$hdf5/lib -L$zlib/lib"
export LIBS="-ldl -lhdf5"
export CFLAGS="-g -Wall"
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$scratch/dependencies/mpich/lib:${zlib}/lib:${hdf5}/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}
./configure --prefix=$prefix --enable-shared --enable-static --enable-netcdf4 --disable-dap --enable-cdf5

export PATH=$scratch/dependencies/mpich/bin:$PATH
export MPICH_CC=gcc
export MPICH_FC=gfortran
export MPICH_F90=gfortran
export CC=mpicc
export FC=mpif90
export NETCDF_C=$scratch/dependencies/netcdf_c
export prefix=$scratch/dependencies/netcdf_fortran
export CPPFLAGS="-I${NETCDF_C}/include -I$hdf5/include -I$zlib/include -I$curld/include"
export LDFLAGS="-L${NETCDF_C}/lib -L$hdf5/lib -L$zlib/lib -L$curld/lib"
export LIBS="-lnetcdf -lhdf5_hl -lm -lz -ldl -lhdf5"
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$scratch/dependencies/mpich/lib:${zlib}/lib:${hdf5}/lib:${NETCDF_C}/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}
./configure --prefix=$prefix --enable-shared --enable-static

module load gcc/8.2.0
export PATH=$scratch/dependencies/mpich/bin:$PATH
export MPICH_CC=gcc
export MPICH_FC=gfortran
export MPICH_F90=gfortran
export NETCDF_C=$scratch/dependencies/netcdf_c
export NETCDF_F=$scratch/dependencies/netcdf_fortran
export PNETCDF=$scratch/dependencies/pnetcdf
export CC=mpicc
export CXX=mpic++
export FC=mpif90
export CPPFLAGS="-I$NETCDF_C/include -I$NETCDF_F/include"
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$scratch/dependencies/mpich/lib:${zlib}/lib:${hdf5}/lib:${NETCDF_C}/lib:${NETCDF_F}/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}
./configure --enable-fortran --enable-static --enable-shared --prefix=$prefix

module load gcc/8.2.0
export PATH=$scratch/dependencies/mpich/bin:$PATH
export MPICH_CC=gcc
export MPICH_FC=gfortran
export CC=mpicc
export FC=mpif90
export CPPFLAGS="-I$hdf5/include -I$zlib/include -I$pnetcdf/include"
export LDFLAGS="-L$hdf5/lib -L$zlib/lib -L$pnetcdf/lib"
export LIBS="-ldl -lhdf5 -lpnetcdf"
export CFLAGS="-g -Wall"
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$scratch/dependencies/mpich/lib:${zlib}/lib:${hdf5}/lib:${NETCDF_C}/lib:${NETCDF_F}/lib:${pnetcdf}/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}
./configure --prefix=$prefix --enable-shared --enable-parallel-tests --enable-static --enable-pnetcdf --enable-netcdf4 --disable-dap --enable-cdf5

module load gcc/8.2.0
export PATH=$scratch/dependencies/mpich/bin:$PATH
export MPICH_CC=gcc
export MPICH_FC=gfortran
export MPICH_F90=gfortran
export CC=mpicc
export FC=mpif90
export NETCDF_C=$scratch/dependencies/netcdf_c
export NETCDF_F=$scratch/dependencies/netcdf_fortran
export PNETCDF=$scratch/dependencies/pnetcdf
export CPPFLAGS="-I${NETCDF_C}/include -I$hdf5/include -I$zlib/include -I$curld/include"
export LDFLAGS="-L${NETCDF_C}/lib -L$hdf5/lib -L$zlib/lib -L$curld/lib -L$PNETCDF/lib"
export LIBS="-lnetcdf -lhdf5_hl -lm -lz -ldl -lhdf5 -lpnetcdf"
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$scratch/dependencies/mpich/lib:${zlib}/lib:${hdf5}/lib:${NETCDF_C}/lib:${NETCDF_F}/lib:${PNETCDF}/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}
./configure --prefix=$NETCDF_F --enable-shared --enable-static

module load gcc/8.2.0
module load cmake/3.17.3
export PATH=$scratch/dependencies/mpich/bin:$PATH
export MPICH_CC=gcc
export MPICH_FC=gfortran
export MPICH_F77=gfortran
export MPICH_F90=gfortran
export CC=mpicc
export FC=mpifort
export CPPFLAGS="-I${NETCDF_C}/include -I${NETCDF_F}/include -I${PNETCDF}/include -I$hdf5/include -I$zlib/include -I"
export LDFLAGS="-L${NETCDF_C}/lib -L${NETCDF_F}/lib -L${PNETCDF}/lib -L${hdf5}/lib -L${zlib}/lib"
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$PNETCDF/lib:${NETCDF_C}/lib:${NETCDF_F}/lib:${hdf5}/lib:${zlib}/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}"
export LIBS="-lnetcdf -lpnetcdf -lhdf5_hl -lm -lz -lcurl -ldl -lhdf5"
export CFLAGS="-g -Wall -std=c11"

module load gcc/8.2.0
export PATH=$scratch/dependencies/mpich/bin:$PATH
export MPICH_CC=gcc
export MPICH_FC=gfortran
export MPICH_F90=gfortran
export CC=mpicc
export FC=mpif90
export NETCDF=$scratch/dependencies/netcdf_c
export NETCDFF=$scratch/dependencies/netcdf_fortran
export PNETCDF=$scratch/dependencies/pnetcdf
export PIO=$scratch/dependencies/PIO
export MPAS_EXTERNAL_INCLUDES="-I$hdf5/include -I$zlib/include"
export MPAS_EXTERNAL_LIBS="-L${hdf5}/lib -L$zlib/lib -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5 -lz -ldl"
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${PIO}/lib:$PNETCDF/lib:${NETCDF_C}/lib:${NETCDF_F}/lib:${hdf5}/lib:${zlib}/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}"
export FFLAGS="-freal-4-real-8"

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