AMR Research WHOIS

Registry data

Registry Domain ID: D402200000014386420-LROR
Domain Status:



Registry Expiration: 2022-08-14 04:21:03 UTC
Updated: 2021-03-11 00:21:28 UTC
Created: 2020-08-14 04:21:03 UTC

Registry identity is protected :(


Handle: 2bvpg3j2xq5tanrp
Name: Redacted for Privacy
Organization: Privacy service provided by Withheld for Privacy ehf
Phone: tel:+354.4212434
Kind: individual
Mailing Address: Kalkofnsvegur 2, Reykjavik, Capital Region, 101, IS 

Conclusion: dead end

501(C)(3) status

The goal: find the state-issued 501-C(3) status and see if there's a way to FOIA the registering documents.

Note: they list their donation address as 1224 Sequoia Place, Davis, CA 95616

Use google to search their site for info

  • Use google search query 501(c)(3) Result: this text is in the footer so it just returns every page on the site. Dead end
  • Use google search query 1224 Sequoia Place, Davis, CA 95616 Only shows up in their donate page.

Search google more generally

Use the google search query "1224 Sequoia Place, Davis, CA 95616" (quotes important) turns up the following site:

This links to the following registry page!!!

The language for incorporation includes a ban on "Propaganda" and other political actions, however it appears that this is fairly specific to electoral politics etc. c.f.

As has been probably been pointed out, it does not appear that the AMR has a federal EIN or has file Form 990s. Does this open them up to legal trouble from the state of CA, i.e. are there missed deadlines? A potential complicating factor is that the IRS is still processing a backlog of Form 990s from after April 2020.

There are documents illustrating nothing aside from what we already know. Presumably Prof. Barany and others found these fairly quickly.

Is there PDF metadata?

Nothing interesting.

Idea: can we use the UC conflict of interest code

Can we use the UC conflict of interest code to identify specific forms and declarations that would lead to a concrete FOIA request.

See the code and designated positions

Two promising leads: "Dean without real estate-related authority"