Scratch for Joe vis a vis tracer concentration

Suppose we have a prescribed injection function ρ˙m(r,z,t) \dot{\rho}_m(r, z, t) with units of kgm3s \frac{\mathrm{kg}}{\mathrm{m}^3\cdot \mathrm{s}} and for the purposes of physics update I will assume we are looking at a single point and thus we only care about ρ˙m(r0,z0,t)ρ˙m(t) \dot{\rho}_m(r_0, z_0, t) \equiv \dot{\rho}_m(t)

In CAM one might think that they have control over c˙=ddtρm(t)ρair(t) \dot{c} = \frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}t}\frac{\rho_m(t)}{\rho_{\textrm{air}}(t)}

From the following code snippet

  ! Update constituents, all schemes use time split q: no tendency kept
    call cnst_get_ind('CLDICE', ixcldice, abort=.false.)
    call cnst_get_ind('CLDLIQ', ixcldliq, abort=.false.)
    ! Check for number concentration of cloud liquid and cloud ice (if not present
    ! the indices will be set to -1)
    call cnst_get_ind('NUMICE', ixnumice, abort=.false.)
    call cnst_get_ind('NUMLIQ', ixnumliq, abort=.false.)
    call cnst_get_ind('NUMRAI', ixnumrain, abort=.false.)
    call cnst_get_ind('NUMSNO', ixnumsnow, abort=.false.)

    do m = 1, pcnst
       if(ptend%lq(m)) then 
          do k = ptend%top_level, ptend%bot_level
             state%q(:ncol,k,m) = state%q(:ncol,k,m) + ptend%q(:ncol,k,m) * dt 
          end do

          ! now test for mixing ratios which are too small
          ! don't call qneg3 for number concentration variables
          if (m /= ixnumice  .and.  m /= ixnumliq .and. &
              m /= ixnumrain .and.  m /= ixnumsnow ) then 
             call qneg3(trim(ptend%name), state%lchnk, ncol, state%psetcols, pver, m, m, qmin(m:m), state%q(:,1:pver,m:m))
             do k = ptend%top_level, ptend%bot_level
                ! checks for number concentration
                state%q(:ncol,k,m) = max(1.e-12_r8,state%q(:ncol,k,m))
                state%q(:ncol,k,m) = min(1.e10_r8,state%q(:ncol,k,m))
             end do
          end if

       end if

    end do

    ! This is a temporary fix for the large H, H2 in WACCM-X
    ! Well, it was supposed to be temporary, but it has been here
    ! for a while now.
    if ( waccmx_is('ionosphere') .or. waccmx_is('neutral') ) then 
       call cnst_get_ind('H', ixh) 
       do k = ptend%top_level, ptend%bot_level
          state%q(:ncol,k,ixh) = min(state%q(:ncol,k,ixh), 0.01_r8)
       end do

       call cnst_get_ind('H2', ixh2)
       do k = ptend%top_level, ptend%bot_level
          state%q(:ncol,k,ixh2) = min(state%q(:ncol,k,ixh2), 6.e-5_r8)
       end do

we find that although we theoretically believe that we can set the tracer tendency c˙(t0)\dot{c}(t_0), the physics update is actually a first order explicit scheme, and so we have control over Δc,\Delta c, where c(t0+Δt)=c(t0)+ΔcΔtΔt. c(t_0 + \Delta t) = c(t_0) + \frac{\Delta c}{\Delta t} \Delta t. Note that we know the timestep Δt\Delta t so we can cancel it automatically.

Note that the Δt\Delta t given here is the Δtphys \Delta t_{\textrm{phys}} using the notation of this presentation

I only really understand the time substepping scheme for SE, but as far as I can tell the of the three options laid out in this article tracer quantity will be added to the state in its entirety at the physics time step unless you force it to do "dribbling" which would be a wild choice for a non-thermodynamic tracer.

If the addition is happening all at once at the time of the physics update, then for the purposes of conservation all we care about is that we add a total amount of tracer mass to the grid point at this sudden update.

To make this fully concrete, suppose we take our state before the physics update is called: {T,U,V,P,cm}before physics\{T, U, V, P, c_m\}_{\textrm{before physics}}. This state represents the diagnostic state of the atmosphere at the current time step after the previous dynamics and physics are finished. If what we care about is the total mass added to the atmosphere over the injection period, then all we are about is that from the time of the last physics update to this physics update we have added Δρm\Delta \rho_m of this tracer to the atmosphere.

As such, the discrete equation we need to satisfy is given {T,U,V,P,cm}before physics\{T, U, V, P, c_m\}_{\textrm{before physics}} we want that

ρm(ti,after injection)ρm(ti,before injection)=Δρm,analyticti1tiρm,analytic(t)dt \rho_m(t_{i, \textrm{after injection}}) - \rho_m(t_{i, \textrm{before injection}}) = \Delta \rho_{m, \textrm{analytic}} \equiv \int_{t_{i-1}}^{t_{i}} \rho_{m, \textrm{analytic}}(t) \, \mathrm{d}t

where the sudden injection that is happening at t+Δtphyst + \Delta t_\mathrm{\mathrm{phys}} is compensating for the injection over the last time step neglecting dynamics.

As such, we can calculate ρm(ti,after injection)=ρair(ti)cm(ti,after injection) \rho_m(t_{i, \textrm{after injection}}) = \rho_{\mathrm{air}}(t_i) \cdot c_m(t_{i, \textrm{after injection}})

and ρm(ti,before injection)=ρair(ti)cm(ti,before injection) \rho_m(t_{i, \textrm{before injection}}) = \rho_{\mathrm{air}}(t_i) \cdot c_m(t_{i, \textrm{before injection}})

And we can rearrange to find

ρair(ti)cm(ti,after injection)ρair(ti)cm(ti,before injection)=Δρm,analytic \rho_{\mathrm{air}}(t_i) \cdot c_m(t_{i, \textrm{after injection}}) - \rho_{\mathrm{air}}(t_i) \cdot c_m(t_{i, \textrm{before injection}}) = \Delta \rho_{m, \textrm{analytic}} ρair(ti)(cm(ti,before injection)+ΔtΔcmΔt)ρair(ti)cm(ti,before injection)=Δρm,analytic \rho_{\mathrm{air}}(t_i) \cdot \left(c_m(t_{i, \textrm{before injection}}) + \Delta t \frac{\Delta c_m}{\Delta t}\right) - \rho_{\mathrm{air}}(t_i) \cdot c_m(t_{i, \textrm{before injection}}) = \Delta \rho_{m, \textrm{analytic}} Δcm=Δρm,analyticρair(ti) \Delta c_m = \frac{\Delta \rho_{m, \textrm{analytic}}}{\rho_{\mathrm{air}}(t_i)}

The long and short of it is, this will precisely control the amount of mass added but will not spread tracer insertion over tracer advection timesteps. If you really want to have both, set the dynamics and the physics time step to be the same. In the HSW idealized setup the added time will be negligible.

To sum up the single trick that I used, because the code can be made to instantaneously update the tracer by a quantity before dynamics or tracer advection starts up again, we get to make a principled assumption that ρair \rho_{\mathrm{air}} is constant during our update step, which is actually what the code is doing.

The reason I'm using the {T,U,V,P,cm}before physics\{T, U, V, P, c_m\}_{\textrm{before physics}} state is that sometimes these quantities are dribbled over the previous dynamics substepping. By doing the update right when the physics step begins, your update will be consistent with the diagnosed density at the beginning of the physics timestep.

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