O.K. Hughes' lab notebook
I'm a computational atmospheric scientist at the University of Michigan who is most interested in the computational fluid models called Dynamical Cores (Dycores) that lie at the heart of climate and weather models.
I had the idea of putting my lab notebooks online for all to see. This isn't a particularly useful idea in and of itself, but I could see a number of future projects that might be able to build on this.
Burned all my notebooks!
What good are notebooks?
They won't help me survive.
- FV3 Dycore Posts
- MPAS tutorials
- Installing Dycores
- LeatGrakes
- Moonshot Ideas
- NCL Script Documentation
- Todo
- AMR Research
- Transport Algorithms
- Climate 451 Final Project
- Climate 589
- Main Glass Post
- Grad School Applications
- My experience writing a GRFP application
- What the DOE looks for in a CSGF application
- clever steady state
- Scientific Computing
- A quick to set up trash alias for bash
- Defensive Bash Boilerplate
- Variable resolution computational cost estimation!
- Some slurm hacks
- An Easy-to-implement Numerical Recipe for Computing Spherical Harmonics
- Efficiently allocating resources in sbatch scripts
- Using Globus to access locker on GreatLakes
- Conference posters
- Directories
- The two-mountain gravity wave
- Science Communication
- scratch
- climate411
- eecs587
- E3SM
- AEROSP 567
- Community Earth System Model lifehacks
- 2022/05/05 CAM FV3 install on UM GreatLakes system
- CAM devel install on UM GreatLakes system
- Adding new namelist options
- Average regridding
- Cheyenne Submission Script
- Installing Locally in Containerized form
- Getting started with NetCDF4 and Python.
- Manually regridding
- A singularity container for CESM
- CLaSP 586
- DCMIP 2024
- Tropical dynamics
- math
- Building and running the MPAS shallow water core
- Physics Dynamics Coupling
- SEAS 577
- STATS 700
- Papers
- Deep Atmosphere HOMME
- Code modifications
- Doing the hamiltonian myself
- Plan June 2023
- Plan March 2023
- Bulk Mass Coordinates
- Final init
- Hybrid Coordinates
- eta-to-eta initialization
- efficient IMEX
- Non-local initialization
- jan 12
- matsuno gill
- Benchmarking the first functional checkpoint
- Porting DA HOMME to C++
- Thermo forcing
- Notes on papers
- Optimizing IMEX convergence
- Running Held-suarez on a reduced-radius earth
- Storylines?
- Semi-deep UMJS
- jax homme
- Causality