We follow the hyperspeed introduction to differential geometry (not topology!) given in this monograph.
I've found that it's very helpful to include the first 60 pages of do carmo.
Note: exterior algebra makes my head hurt, so I've ommitted any treatment of it here.
If this makes certain statements slightly wrong, I'm sorry.
Suppose we have a manifold S (without boundary), and let ϕ:S→Rn be
a coordinate chart ϕ(p)=[ξ1(p),…,ξn(p)].
If we have another suitably smooth coordinate chart ψ=[ρi],
we can define the coordinate transform ϕ∘ψ−1:[ρi]↦[ξi].
Use the usual tricks to define a smooth manifold, smooth functions by composing coordinates to get
maps between Rn↦Rn and calculating elementary partial derivatives.
Note that for C∞ coordinates, we have
with δki the kronecker delta symbol.
This is just a reprasing of the multivariate chain rule applied to the
composition (ϕ∘ψ−1)∘(ϕ∘ψ−1)−1=id.
Using the same linear map interpretation of the jacobian [∂ρj∂ξi],
we get ∂ρj∂f=∂ρj∂ξi∂ξi∂f
Tangent space:
Consider γ:I→S, with I⊂R an interval. Let f∈C∞(S).
If we let γi=ξi(γ(t)), then dtdf(γ(t))=(∂ξi∂f)γ(t)γ˙i(t)
from vector calculus.
This motivates defining the linear operators
which satisfy
where the first term is a real scalar and then second two terms are linear operators. This gives
motivating that we can either construct the tangent space from the typical cartesian product operators of 1d spaces
or define it in terms of equivalence classes of γ˙i that calculate equivalent directional derivatives
in the vector calculus sense. The chain rule specified above constructs a mapping between tangent vectors
specified in one coordinates in terms of the reference coordinate.
For notational convenience, we call (∂ξi∂)p the natural basis for
a coordinate [ξi], and that the tangent space is Tp(S)≡{ci(∂ξi∂)p∣ci∈R}
If we have λ:S→Q, and if [ξi] and [ρj] are coordinates for S,Q respectively, then
Vector fields:
A map X:N→T(S) is a vector field. The choice of natural coordinates [∂i]≡[∂ξi∂] (when this is unambigious)
allows us to identify {X1,X2,X3} with the coordinate functions such that X(p)=Xi(p)(∂i)p.
If we write in another basis X=X~j(∂~j)p then by the equations above,
Xi=X~j∂ρj∂ξi and let T be the space of C∞ vector fields.
To get cotangent space we start by defining the differential of a smooth function
df∈Tp∗M so that df(∂i)=∂ξi∂f We start by finding the dual basis
which allows us to find df=∂ξi∂fdξi. This definition aligns with
As a result, suppose we have a covector (covariant vector for physicists) ω=ωidξi=ω~jdρj,
then dρj=∂ξi∂ρjdξi and so ωi=ω~j∂ξi∂ρj.
This motivates the notion that "covariant" vectors transform according to the inverse of the Jacobian (∂ξ∂ρ)
and contravariant vectors transform according to the jacobian ∂ρ∂ξ:
contravariant: covariant: X=Xi(∂ξi∂)=X~j(∂ρj∂)∈TpM⟹Xi=X~j∂ρj∂ξiω=ωidξi=ω~jdρj∈Tp∗M⟹ωi=ω~j∂ξi∂ρj
Denote by [Tp]rq the multilinear mappings from r direct products of Tp(S)
to either Tp if q=1 or R if q=0. A tensor field of type (q,r)
is an assignment of an element in [Tp]rq to each point of S, e.g. A:p∈S↦Ap∈[Tp]rq.
r is the covariant degree and q is the contravariant degree (strictly speaking, the covariant degree are covector fields).
Let A be a tensor field of type q,r and let X1,…,Xr be vector fields,
Characterizing the bracket:
Recall the pushforward of a map ϕ:M→M. We can calculate the pushforward of a vector field
In order to build up to characterizing the bracket operation, recall that we can
characterize vector fields as X=Xi∂ξi∂ which
are, strictly speaking, differential operators acting on smooth functions as X(f)=Xi∂ξi∂f.
Indeed, on a purely formal level this leads us to consider X(Y(f)) or Y(X(f)).
Writing in coordinates we get X=Xi∂i,Y=Yj∂j and then see
There are common terms that cancel, motivating the definition
which is clearly a unique vector field, which we call [X,Y].
It's easy to see that the bracket is anticommutative and linear in smooth functions, but also satisfies two additional properties
This is one natural way to derive a second vector field from two existing vector fields, but
it is not immediately clear what it does. Using elementary ODE theory, one can
derive a flow map ϕX(t,p) such that [∂tϕX](t,p)=Xq,ϕ(0,q)=q .
We find that if X,Y are smooth vector fields, ϕt:p∈M↦ϕ(t,⋅)[X,Y](p)=Δt→0limΔt1[[dϕ0]Y−[dϕΔt]Y](ϕΔt(p))=Δt→0limΔt1[Y−[dϕΔt]Y](ϕΔt(p))
where the odd choice of sign comes from the fact that the ersatz derivative is being
calculated by evaluating Y,[dϕΔt]Y at (ϕΔt(p)),
where the apparent type error (TpM=TϕΔt(p)M) disappears noting
that the convergence is really a statement on vector fields instead of evaluations at a particular point.
The proof comes down to evaluation of vector fields on smooth functions, making this precise.
Therefore, the bracket measures the rate of change of Y along the trajectories of X.
The metric:
A metric is a (0, 2) tensor field that is symmetric and positive definite.
We characterize the smoothness by either gij=g(∂i⊗∂j)=g(∂j⊗∂j)
being a smooth function, or g(X⊗Y) being a smooth function (these are clearly equivalent).
I think this motivates the expression g≃gij(dξi⊗dξj)
giving the coordinate expression for X=Xi∂i,Y=Yj∂jg(X⊗Y)=gijXkYl(dξi⊗dξj)(∂k⊗∂l)=gijXkYlδikδjl=gijXiYj
and as before, the tensor basis (dξi⊗dξj) in which g is writen
transforms covariantly in each tensored covector.
This clarifies my enduring confusion: a covariant argument of a tensor
means that in coordinates, those components of the tensor transform covariantly.
As a result, covariant arguments to a tensor take contravariant quantities as input.
If we denote this as g:Γ(M)⊗Γ(M)→R, then we get
ωX∈Γ∗(M):Y↦g(X⊗Y), i.e. the
usual association between primal and dual vector spaces induced by an inner product.
A useful exercise at some point would be to formally determine that Γ(M)⊗Γ(M)
has nice properties and is smooth and stuff.
In any case, we can write g=gij(∂i⊗∂j) so that gijgjk=δik.
Curve length:
Recall from above that the velocity of a curve γ:(a,b)→M can be derived via smooth f as
Therefore, if [a′,b′]⊂(a,b) then
Interesting tidbit: if you're willing to introduce exterior algebra, then you can get volume from this.
Covariant derivatives and affine connections
Shamelessly stealing from do carmo: suppose we have a surface S⊂R3,
a curve c:(a,b)→S, and a vector field V:(a,b)→R3 that is tangent
to S. The derivative dtdV is not necessarily tangent to S,
but can be projected onto the tangent space. This
is the euclidean analogue of the covariant derivative.
In particular, the velocity vector dc can be differentiated
to yield an "acceleration" vector.
In the euclidean case, one can show that the only curves having zero acceleration are
geodesics under the induced metric.
Therefore, in the setting of manifolds, we want to introduce a notion of covariant
derivative that generalizes the notion that dtdV=0
indicates that V is parallel to the manifold.
Affine connection
Here we care only about affine connections in order to build up to the
unique connection induced by a choice of metric.
An affine connection is a map ∇:Γ(M)×Γ(M)→Γ(M)
denoted by (X,Y)↦∇X(Y).
It is specified to have the following properties
Writing in coordinates we find that for X=Xi∂i, Y=Yj∂j∇Xi∂i(Yj∂j)=Xi∇∂iYj∂j=Xi(Yj∇∂i(∂j)+∂ξi∂Yj∂j)
which motivates that ∇∂i∂j≡Γijk∂k
This definition is a little baffling, but this might clarify it.
Let c be a smooth curve and V,W be vector fields on the image of c, and f be a smooth function.
The properties that we want a covariant derivative to satisfy are
If V(t)=Y(c(t)) for Y a vector field on M, then dtdV=∇c˙Y
If we suppose such a derivative exists, we can use its properties to determine its form.
If we write V=Vi∂i, then
and using (c) we get
which gives
This gives a useful definition of parallel for a vector field V along c as dtDV=0.
Riemannian connection:
An affine connection (equivalently: covariant derivative) is compatible with a metric if parallel V,W
along c
satisfy g(V⊗W)=const. This is equivalent to
dtdg(V⊗W)=g(dtDV⊗W)+g(V⊗dtDW) on c
which makes sense, as the parallel transport of parallel vector fields should preserve the "angle"
between them induced by the metric.
A symmetric affine connection satisfies ∇XY−∇YX=[X,Y].
Fact: there is a unique symmetric affine connection that is compatible with a Riemannian metric.
It can be derived from the equivalent characterization of compatibility as X(g(Y⊗Z))=g(∇XY⊗z)+g(Y⊗∇XZ)
It has christoffel symbols
Covariant derivative
Riemannian connection
Contravariant tensor -> covariant tensor
Divergence of vector field
Divergence / covariant derivative of (rank 2) tensor field