Code outline

The locality of the H H matrix's components mean that the primary computational expense is solving an extremely sparse matrix (each line of the system contains at most 4 non-zero entries on the LHS).

It is clear that formulation of the H H dynamic tangent matrix can be computed node-by-node in an embarassingly parallel fashion.

Presumably the main implementation of these libraries will use the parMETIS algorithm for graph partitioning and Trilinos NOX for nonlinear solvers.

This is a good example of how to do this in an MPI compliant fashion: source

Data input etc

I'm going to make the assumption that input data will contain triangulation data. Might be worth creating a separate program that reads OBJ + vertex data files so I can design initial setups in blender.

necessary field data:


  • position
  • velocity
  • temperature
  • pressure?
  • iswall
  • isfree


  • point ids
  • inlet_pressure (4 values per face)
  • placeholder (for boundary tracking)

Storage format:

Let's use hdf5 because it seems relatively standardized and has parallel IO support.

Because all of this is kind of for artistic purposes, I'm going to default to single precision file storage.

Actually let us use because it feels suitable

parallel fileio example


#include "pcgnslib.h"
#include "mpi.h"

#define NODES_PER_SIDE 5

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int comm_size, comm_rank;
    int tot_nnodes, tot_nelems, nnodes, nelems;
    int F, B, Z, E, S, Fs, A, Cx, Cy, Cz;
    int i, j, k, n, nn, ne;
    float *x, *y, *z, *d;
    cgsize_t sizes[3], *e, start, end, ncells;
    static char *outfile = "cexample.cgns";

    /* initialize MPI */
    MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &comm_size);
    MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &comm_rank);

    /* total number of nodes and hex elements */
    tot_nelems = (NODES_PER_SIDE-1) * (NODES_PER_SIDE-1) * (NODES_PER_SIDE-1);
    /* open the file and create base and zone */
    sizes[0] = tot_nnodes;
    sizes[1] = tot_nelems;
    sizes[2] = 0;

    /* the default here is to use MPI_COMM_WORLD,
       but this allows assigning of another communicator
    cgp_mpi_comm(MPI_COMM_WORLD); */

    if (cgp_open(outfile, CG_MODE_WRITE, &F) ||
        cg_base_write(F, "Base", 3, 3, &B) ||
        cg_zone_write(F, B, "Zone", sizes, Unstructured, &Z))

    /* print info */
    if (comm_rank == 0) {
        printf("writing %d coordinates and %d hex elements to %s\n",
            tot_nnodes, tot_nelems, outfile);

    /* create data nodes for coordinates */
    if (cgp_coord_write(F, B, Z, RealSingle, "CoordinateX", &Cx) ||
        cgp_coord_write(F, B, Z, RealSingle, "CoordinateY", &Cy) ||
        cgp_coord_write(F, B, Z, RealSingle, "CoordinateZ", &Cz))
    /* number of nodes and range this process will write */
    nnodes = (tot_nnodes + comm_size - 1) / comm_size;
    start  = nnodes * comm_rank + 1;
    end    = nnodes * (comm_rank + 1);
    if (end > tot_nnodes) end = tot_nnodes;
    /* create the coordinate data for this process */
    x = (float *)malloc(nnodes * sizeof(float));
    y = (float *)malloc(nnodes * sizeof(float));
    z = (float *)malloc(nnodes * sizeof(float));
    nn = 0;
    for (n = 1, k = 0; k < NODES_PER_SIDE; k++) {
        for (j = 0; j < NODES_PER_SIDE; j++) {
            for (i = 0; i < NODES_PER_SIDE; i++, n++) {
                if (n >= start && n <= end) {
                    x[nn] = (float)i;
                    y[nn] = (float)j;
                    z[nn] = (float)k;

    /* write the coordinate data in parallel */
    if (cgp_coord_write_data(F, B, Z, Cx, &start, &end, x) ||
        cgp_coord_write_data(F, B, Z, Cy, &start, &end, y) ||
        cgp_coord_write_data(F, B, Z, Cz, &start, &end, z))
    /* create data node for elements */
    if (cgp_section_write(F, B, Z, "Hex", HEXA_8, 1, tot_nelems, 0, &E))
    /* number of elements and range this process will write */
    nelems = (tot_nelems + comm_size - 1) / comm_size;
    start  = nelems * comm_rank + 1;
    end    = nelems * (comm_rank + 1);
    if (end > tot_nelems) end = tot_nelems;
    /* create the hex element data for this process */
    e = (cgsize_t *)malloc(8 * nelems * sizeof(cgsize_t));
    nn = 0;
    for (n = 1, k = 1; k < NODES_PER_SIDE; k++) {
        for (j = 1; j < NODES_PER_SIDE; j++) {
            for (i = 1; i < NODES_PER_SIDE; i++, n++) {
                if (n >= start && n <= end) {
                    ne = i + NODES_PER_SIDE*((j-1)+NODES_PER_SIDE*(k-1));
                    e[nn++] = ne;
                    e[nn++] = ne + 1;
                    e[nn++] = ne + 1 + NODES_PER_SIDE;
                    e[nn++] = ne + NODES_PER_SIDE;
                    ne += NODES_PER_SIDE * NODES_PER_SIDE;
                    e[nn++] = ne;
                    e[nn++] = ne + 1;
                    e[nn++] = ne + 1 + NODES_PER_SIDE;
                    e[nn++] = ne + NODES_PER_SIDE;

    /* write the element connectivity in parallel */
    if (cgp_elements_write_data(F, B, Z, E, start, end, e))

    /* create a centered solution */
    if (cg_sol_write(F, B, Z, "Solution", CellCenter, &S) ||
        cgp_field_write(F, B, Z, S, RealSingle, "CellIndex", &Fs))

    /* create the field data for this process */
    d = (float *)malloc(nelems * sizeof(float));
    nn = 0;
    for (n = 1; n <= tot_nelems; n++) {
        if (n >= start && n <= end) {
            d[nn] = (float)n;

    /* write the solution field data in parallel */
    if (cgp_field_write_data(F, B, Z, S, Fs, &start, &end, d))

    /* create user data under the zone and duplicate solution data */
    ncells = tot_nelems;
    if (cg_goto(F, B, "Zone_t", 1, NULL) ||
        cg_user_data_write("User Data") ||
        cg_gorel(F, "User Data", 0, NULL) ||
        cgp_array_write("CellIndex", RealSingle, 1, &ncells, &A))

    /* write the array data in parallel */
    if (cgp_array_write_data(A, &start, &end, d))

    /* close the file and terminate MPI */
    return 0;

Start off with a serial implementation:

First goal: no tracking or boundaries. Pure fluid solver without gravity (or oscillating gravity or something).

Define a spherical geometry with a pocket on the inside.

Parent post: