An Easy-to-implement Numerical Recipe for Computing Spherical Harmonics


The calculation of high-order spherical harmonics (e.g. up to n=388n=388) remains relevant to model development and data analysis in the geosciences. However, I recently discovered that if one is working in a language that lacks built-in functions for computing spherical harmonics, there appears to be no succinct summary of how to calculate these functions yourself in a numerically stable way. In implementations such as Python's scipy, functions such as special.sph_harm obscure the fact that there is a recursion beneath the hood. Therefore, calculation of e.g. the (m,n)(m,n)th spherical harmonic,Ynm(λ,ϕ)Y_n^m(\lambda, \phi), necessitates calculating YnmY_{n'}^{m'} for some some set of (m,n)(m', n') for mmm' \leq m, nmn' \leq m.

The purpose of this document is to describe a simple, easy to implement, numerically stable algorithm for performing this recursion to compute YnmY_{n}^m for m,nZm,n \in \mathbb{Z} in a codebase where you do not have access to an off-the-shelf library for doing so. The crux of what makes this difficult is calculating the so-called associated Legendre polynomials Pnm(sin(ϕ))P_n^m(\sin(\phi)). If you need more esoteric computations, such as calculating PnmP_{n}^m for n,mRn, m \in \mathbb{R}, or where use of recursion is unacceptable, I recommend persuing a method like the one advanced in Bremer (2017). However, this method is significantly more complicated to implement. Furthermore, computation must be performed offline and read into memory or included as data in the executable. The author precomputes the necessary lookup tables for μν<106.|\mu| \leq \nu < 10^6. However, the required data are 138MB in size, almost all of which is entirely extraneous for applications where only integral m,nm, n are required.

Mathematical Statement

We use the convention that ϕ[π/2,π/2]\phi\in [-\pi/2,\pi/2] denotes latitude. The Integrated Forecast System of the European Center for Numerical Range Weather Forecasting is built atop a global spectral decomposition and can be run down to a grid spacing of 9 km. It's therefore not surprising that they provide a recipe for calculating spherical harmonics which can achieve numerical stability for large nn (though quad precision must be used for n>100n>100). Although a reasonably readable summary is provided here, this summary contains several crucial errors. I therefore follow their derivation and note corrections where I make them.

There are several ways of normalizing the associated Legendre polynomials. The choice used here is that the un-normalized associated Legendre polynomial P~nm\tilde{P}_n^m is multiplied by (2n+1)(nm)!(n+m)! \sqrt{(2n+1)\frac{(n-m)!}{(n+m)!}} to obtain the normalized associated Legendre polynomials PnmP_n^m . One advantage of this normalization is that Pnm=(1)mPnmP_n^{-m} = (-1)^m P_n^m (this is mis-stated in the ECMWF document) , omitting the factorial term that arises in the un-normalized associated Legendre polynomials.

To start the recursion we use the definition of the associated Legendre polynomials given by the Rodriguez formula Pnm(x)=(2n+1)2(nm)!(n+m)!(1x2)m22nn!(dn+mdxn+m(1x2)n). P_n^m(x) = \sqrt{\frac{(2n+1)}{2}\frac{(n-m)!}{(n+m)!}} \cdot \frac{(1-x^2)^{\frac{|m|}{2}}}{2^n n!} \left(\der{^{n+|m|}}{x^{n+|m|}} (1-x^2)^n \right). As a consequence of this definition, if m>n|m| > |n|, then the derivative term vanishes and Pnm(x)=0P_n^m (x) = 0 .

The ECMWF document recommends a special recurrence relation Pnm(x)=cnmPn2m2(x)dnmxPn1m2(x)+enmxPn1m(x)cnm2n+12n3m+n1m+nm+n3m+n2dnm2n+12n1m+n1m+nnm+1m+n2enm2n+12n1nmn+m \begin{align*} P_n^m(x) &= c_n^m P_{n-2}^{m-2}(x) - d_n^m x P_{n-1}^{m-2}(x) + e_n^m \textcolor{red}{x} P_{n-1}^m (x) \\ c_n^m &\equiv \sqrt{\frac{2n+1}{2n-3} \cdot \frac{m+n-1}{m+n} \cdot \frac{m+n-3}{m+n-2}} \\ d_n^m &\equiv \sqrt{\frac{2n+1}{2n-1} \cdot \frac{m+n-1}{m+n} \cdot \frac{n-m+1}{m+n-2}} \\ e_n^m &\equiv \sqrt{\frac{2n+1}{2n-1} \cdot \frac{n-m}{n+m}} \end{align*} for m>0. m > 0. The red x\textcolor{red}{x} is a correction of a crucial omission in the reference document. When m=0m=0, we can use the fact that the Legendre and Associated Legendre polynomials coincide. The recurrence relation for m=0m=0 is n2n1Pn0(x)=(2n1)xPn10(x)2(n1)1(n1)Pn20(x)2(n2)1n \sqrt{2n-1}P_{n}^0(x) = (2n-1)x \frac{P_{n-1}^0(x)}{\sqrt{2(n-1)-1}} - (n-1) \frac{P^0_{n-2}(x)}{\sqrt{2(n-2)-1}} .

Initializing the recursion

P00(x)=(0)(0)!(0)!(1x2)0200!(d0dx0(1x2)0)=1 P_0^0(x) = \sqrt{(0) \frac{(0)!}{(0)!}} \cdot \frac{(1-x^2)^{0}}{2^0 0!} \left(\der{^{0}}{x^0} (1-x^2)^0\right) = 1 P01(x)=P02(x)=0 P_0^1(x) = P_0^2(x) = 0

P10(x)=(2+1)(10)!(1+0)!(1x2)02211!(d1+0dx1+0(1x2)1)=312(ddx(1x2)1)=3122x=3x \begin{align*} P_1^0(x) &= \sqrt{(2+1) \frac{(1-0)!}{(1+0)!}} \cdot \frac{(1-x^2)^{\frac{|0|}{2}}}{2^1 1!} \left(\der{^{1+|0|}}{x^{1+|0|}} (1-x^2)^1 \right) \\ &= \sqrt{3} \cdot \frac{1}{2 } \left(\der{}{x} (1-x^2)^1 \right) \\ &= -\sqrt{3} \cdot -\frac{1}{2} 2x \\ &= \sqrt{3} \cdot x \\ \end{align*}

P11(x)=(2+1)(11)!(1+1)!(1x2)12211!(d1+1dx1+1(1x2)n)=31x212(d2dx2(1x2))=321x2 \begin{align*} P_1^1(x) &= \sqrt{(2+1) \frac{(1-1)!}{(1+1)!}} \cdot \frac{(1-x^2)^{\frac{|1|}{2}}}{2^1 1!} \left(\der{^{1+|1|}}{x^{1+|1|}} (1-x^2)^n \right) \\ &= -\sqrt{3} \cdot \sqrt{1-x^2} \frac{1}{2} \left(\der{^{2}}{x^{2}} (1-x^2) \right) \\ &= -\sqrt{\frac{3}{2}} \cdot \sqrt{1-x^2} \\ \end{align*}

and P12(x)=0P_1^2(x) = 0 .

The spherical harmonics are finally calculated as Ynm(λ,ϕ)=14πeimλPnm(sin(ϕ)) Y_n^m(\lambda, \phi) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{4\pi}}e^{im\lambda}P_{n}^m(\sin(\phi))

Algorithm pseudocode

In the following algorithm, whenever an associated Legendre polynomial PnmP_{n}^m is calculated, use the above equation to calculate YnmY_{n}^m. Any computation that requires the (m,n)(m,n)th spherical harmonic should performed at this point in the code (see example implementation below).

For NN the maximum total wavenumber (i.e. mnN |m| \leq n \leq N) and a single point (λ,ϕ)(\lambda, \phi), allocate a (3,N)(3, N) array AA with zeros. The component (0,m)(0, m) is the associated legendre polynomial Pn2mP_{n-2}^m and (1,m)(1, m) is Pn1mP_{n-1}^m. We will not store PnmP_{n}^{-m} but rather compute it when needed.

  • Initialize PnmP_n^m for (n,m){(0,0),(1,0),(0,1)}(n, m) \in \{(0, 0), (1, 0), (0, 1)\} using the above analytic equations
  • For n=2,Nn=2,N do
    • Use recurrence relation for m=0m=0 given above to calculate Pn0 P_{n}^0 from Pn10 P_{n-1}^0 and Pn10 P_{n-1}^0. Stick this in A2,0A_{2, 0}
    • For m=1,nm=1, n do
      • Use Pn2m2P_{n-2}^{m-2}, Pn1m1P_{n-1}^{m-1} and Pn1mP_{n-1}^m and the recurrence relation to calculate PnmP_n^m. If m2=1 m-2 = -1, then Pn21=Pn21P_{n-2}^{-1} = -P_{n-2}^{-1}. If m>n|m'| > |n'| for one of the PnmP_{n'}^{m'} recursive dependencies, then it is equal to zero. Stick this value in A2,m A_{2,m}
      • Use Pnm=1mPnmP_{n}^-m = -1^m P_n^m to find PnmP_n^{-m}
    • end do
    • Move A1,A_{1, \cdot} into A0, A_{0, \cdot}
    • Move A2,A_{2, \cdot} into A1,A_{1, \cdot}
  • end do

To calculate QQ points in parallel (note that the calculation is embarassingly parallel), one needs only allocate a 3×Q×N3 \times Q \times N array.

A simple python implementation

In double precision arithmetic, the following routine agrees with scipy's special.sph_harm to N=80N=80. Beyond this, quad precision is required.

def n_m_to_d(n,m):
  return int(n**2 + n + m)

def assoc_leg_to_sph_harm(p, lon, m):
    pronk = np.exp(1j * m * lon) * p / np.sqrt(4*np.pi)
    return pronk

def assoc_leg_m_n(lat, lon, out, example_fn):
  # ==================
  # lat, lon are given in radians
  # out returns spherical harmonic evaluations at provided points
  # example_fn(Y_n_m, n, m) takes 
  #    * Y_n_m: an array of spherical harmonic evaluations
  #    * n, m: the order and total wavenumber of Y_m_n
  # ===================
  x = np.sin(lat)

  p_prev = np.zeros((3, n_max, x.size))

  p_prev[0, 0, :] =  np.ones_like(x) # P_0^0 = 1
  out[n_m_to_d(0,0),:] = assoc_leg_to_sph_harm(p_prev[0,0,:], lon, 0)
  example_fn(out[n_m_to_d(0,0),:], 0, 0)

  p_prev[1, 0, :] = np.sqrt(3) * x # P_1^0 = \sqrt{3} x
  out[n_m_to_d(1,0),:] = assoc_leg_to_sph_harm(p_prev[1,0,:], lon, 0)
  example_fn(out[n_m_to_d(1,0),:], 1, 0)
  p_prev[1, 1, :] = -np.sqrt(3/2) * np.sqrt(1 - x**2)# P_1^1 = \sqrt{\frac{3}{2}(1-x^2)}
  out[n_m_to_d(1,1),:] = assoc_leg_to_sph_harm(p_prev[1,1,:], lon, 1)
  out[n_m_to_d(1,-1),:] = -1 * assoc_leg_to_sph_harm(p_prev[1,1,:], lon, -1)
  example_fn(out[n_m_to_d(1,1),:], 1, 1)
  example_fn(out[n_m_to_d(1,-1),:], 1, -1)

  for n in range(2, n_max):
    p_prev[2, 0, :] = np.sqrt(2 *n  + 1 )/n * ((2 * n -1 ) * x * (p_prev[1, 0, :]/np.sqrt(2*(n-1)+1)) - (n-1) * (p_prev[0, 0, :]/np.sqrt(2 * (n-2) + 1)) )
    out[n_m_to_d(n,0),:] = assoc_leg_to_sph_harm(p_prev[2,0,:], lon, 0)
    example_fn(out[n_m_to_d(2,0),:], 2, 0)
    for m in range(1, n+1):
      mm2 = abs(m-2)
      m_neg = (-1)**m if m-2 < 0 else 1
      c_mn = np.sqrt(((2*n+1)/(2*n-3)) * ((m + n - 1)/(m + n)) * ((m + n - 3)/(m + n - 2)))
      d_mn = np.sqrt(((2*n+1)/(2*n-1)) * ((m + n - 1)/(m + n)) * ((n-m + 1)/(m + n - 2)))
      e_mn = np.sqrt(((2*n+1)/(2*n-1))* ((n-m)/(n+m)))
      p_nm2_mm2 = m_neg * p_prev[0, mm2, :]
      p_nm1_mm2 = m_neg * p_prev[1, mm2, :]
      p_nm1_m = p_prev[1, m, :]
      p_prev[2, m, :] = c_mn * p_nm2_mm2 - d_mn * x * p_nm1_mm2 + e_mn *x * p_nm1_m
      out[n_m_to_d(n,m),:] = assoc_leg_to_sph_harm(p_prev[2,m,:], lon, m)
      out[n_m_to_d(n,-m),:] = (-1)**m * assoc_leg_to_sph_harm(p_prev[2,m,:], lon, -m)
      example_fn(out[n_m_to_d(n,m),:], n, m)
       example_fn(out[n_m_to_d(n,-m),:], n, -m)
    p_prev[0, :, :] = p_prev[1, :, :]
    p_prev[1, :, :] = p_prev[2, :, :]
    p_prev[2, :, :] = 0

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