Outline for final presentation
Outline of slides for 451 final presentation:
Main takeaway message: The linearized equation sets that I initially set out to use are not well suited to studying the impact of sharpness of topography.
One slide:
Recap assumptions of linearization Slide 8 lecture 14 Takeaway: Constant N^2. N^2/u^2 is key parameter. Where do boundary conditions come from?
The dispersion relation: Slide 9: Key parameter.
- Takeaway: Under highly idealized conditions this gives a simple solution (but how does this generalize?)
Coming at this from a different angle: long's model
- maximum 4 equation derivation.
- Introduce stream function.
- Assumptions Optional: * Long's notes on existence and uniqueness
- Main takeaway: tbd
- The first pin: come back to this.
Re-deriving what we already know:
- Without linearizing at the start, assume \partial_z u = 0, N constant.
- We get the same dispersion relation.
Boundary conditions:
- A quick jaunt through fourier transformations (with a dispersion relation)
- Gives us solution for gravity wave in the absence of wind shear. Very solvable.
A brief deviation into energy transport and topography in the steady state
- Weirstrauss mountain. low-pass filtered weirstrauss mountain
- Mountain with extremely steep gradients
- Enforcing a non-linear boundary condition (impacts).
- Low-pass filter the topography
Returning to the complex equations: Keller's solution
- Suppose that we have linear wind shear.
- Derive new equations with Z variable.
- Scale analysis for complicated scorer parameter
non-hydrostatic version
- nonhydrostatic Solutions for different topography
- Energy transport using same topography.
- Vertical and horizontal structure.
- low-pass filtered weirstrauss mountain
- Potentially indicates decreased dependence on topographic steepness? Promising?
- Impact of wind shear on energy transport.
- Implications for test case design (compare to DCMIP 2012)