Adding new namelist options
In this writeup I will add a namelist parameter to control the Brunt Vaisala frequency in the Jablonowski-Williamson 2006 dry baroclinic wave test case.
I use ${SRCROOT}
to denote the root of your CAM source.
how I figured out how to do this
In order to figure out how to set up this namelist parameter I first found one that
should be available in the similar routines to the ones where I want to get this parameter. I used analytic_ic_type
In order to figure out where this is used in the code run
grep -r "analytic_ic_type" ${SRCROOT}
actually adding my own namelist doohickey
step 1:
In the file ${SRCROOT}/bld/namelist_files/namelist_definition.xml
add the following text
<entry id="jw_06_BV_factor" type="real" category="dyn_test"
Factor by which to modify Brunt-Vaisala frequency in the moist baroclinic wave test case. Floating point.
May introduce static instability and rapid onset of turbuluence. Use with caution.
the id
field is what you will put e.g. in your user_nl_cam
file e.g. jw_06_BV_factor = 2.0
is the Fortran type. Look around the namelist_definition.xml
to find other types
and how to specify them.
Important: the group
field will be used to get this parameter into Fortran. I think that the category
is used for generating documentation. It doesn't appear to be used in the code.
valid values
is used primarily for char
variables, but look elsewhere in the file for how to use it.
If you don't add a good description, I'm judging you.
step 2:
In the file ${SRCROOT}/bld/namelist_files/namelist_defaults_cam.xml
add namelist defaults.
I figured out how to do this by using analytic_ic_type
as a reference in order to find the conditions under which
different defaults should be set.
I added the following defaults:
<jw_06_BV_factor > 1.0 </jw_06_BV_factor>
<jw_06_BV_factor phys="adiabatic"> 1.0 </jw_06_BV_factor>
<jw_06_BV_factor phys="kessler"> 1.0 </jw_06_BV_factor>
Chains of different CIME variables can be used e.g.
<jw_06_BV_factor phys="kessler" hgrid="C24"> 1.0 </jw_06_BV_factor>
step 3:
This is going to vary based on which module you want to read your namelist variable from.
In order to figure out where this was done in my case I used grep to find a F90 file that contained
In my case this is ${SRCROOT}/src/dynamics/tests/inic_analytic_utils.F90
. Where private
module variables are declared, add e.g.
real :: jw_06_BV_factor
There should be a line such as this where it actually reads in the variable:
namelist /analytic_ic_nl/ analytic_ic_type, jw_06_BV_factor
add your variable to this line, as I already did.
Next find the part of the file where the namelist is broadcast to all MPI ranks:
call mpi_bcast(jw_06_BV_factor, 1, mpi_real8, masterprocid, mpicom, ierr)
I followed the conventions of the inic_analytic_utils
and created an getter function. At the top where
public interfaces are declared, add:
public :: jw_06_brunt_vaisala ! accessor
and add the definition of this function below the contains
real function jw_06_brunt_vaisala()
jw_06_brunt_vaisala = jw_06_BV_factor
end function jw_06_brunt_vaisala
Another potential alternative to using a private
variable with a getter function is using the
public, protected
keyword, in which subroutines within the module are allowed to modify this variable
but not modules that use
the module in which it is defined. This keyword was introduced in Fortran 2003,
so I don't know how well it will play with different compilers.
Within the subroutine in which you call mpi_bcast
before this is called, you can modify or validate the value
of your namelist variable. You can report issues using write(iulog, *) msg
with use cam_logfile, only: iulog
at the top of your module.
step 4:
In the case directory, I make the following definitions:
- In
I addjw_06_BV_factor = 2.0
. - In
I adduse inic_analytic_utils, only: jw_06_brunt_vaisala
andgamma = jw_06_brunt_vaisala() * gamma_0
If you use the public, protected
style of accessor then you could, I think, just do gamma = jw_06_BV_factor * gamma_0