2022/05/05 CAM FV3 install on UM GreatLakes system
Reconfiguring the build system to work with the new CMake CIME infrastructure
Unchanged xml machine file:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <!-- This is an ordered list, not all fields are required, optional fields are noted below. --> <config_machines version="2.0"> <!-- MACH is the name that you will use in machine options --> <machine MACH="greatlakes"> <!-- DESC: a text description of the machine, this field is current not used in code--> <DESC>UMich Great Lakes cluster, os is Linux, 36 PES/node, batch system is SLURM, GPFS on /scratch</DESC> <!-- NODENAME_REGEX: a regular expression used to identify this machine it must work on compute nodes as well as login nodes, use machine option to create_test or create_newcase if this flag is not available --> <NODENAME_REGEX>gl.*\.arc-ts\.umich.edu</NODENAME_REGEX> <!-- OS: the operating system of this machine. Passed to cppflags for compiled programs as -DVALUE recognized are LINUX, AIX, Darwin, CNL --> <OS>LINUX</OS> <!-- PROXY: optional http proxy for access to the internet--> <PROXY> </PROXY> <!-- COMPILERS: compilers supported on this machine, comma seperated list, first is default --> <COMPILERS>intel,gnu</COMPILERS> <!-- MPILIBS: mpilibs supported on this machine, comma seperated list, first is default, mpi-serial is assumed and not required in this list--> <MPILIBS>openmpi</MPILIBS> <!-- PROJECT: A project or account number used for batch jobs This value is used for directory names. If different from actual accounting project id, use CHARGE_ACCOUNT can be overridden in environment or $HOME/.cime/config --> <!--PROJECT>my_cesm_project_placeholder</PROJECT--> <!-- CHARGE_ACCOUNT: A project or account number used for batch jobs This is the actual project used for cost accounting set in the batch script (ex. #PBS -A charge_account). Will default to PROJECT if not set. can be overridden in environment or $HOME/.cime/config --> <!-- <CHARGE_ACCOUNT>$ENV{MY_SLURM_ACCOUNT}</CHARGE_ACCOUNT> --> <!-- SAVE_TIMING_DIR: (Acme only) directory for archiving timing output --> <!-- SAVE_TIMING_DIR> </SAVE_TIMING_DIR --> <!-- SAVE_TIMING_DIR_PROJECTS: (Acme only) projects whose jobs archive timing output --> <!-- SAVE_TIMING_DIR_PROJECTS> </SAVE_TIMING_DIR_PROJECTS --> <!-- CIME_OUTPUT_ROOT: Base directory for case output, the case/bld and case/run directories are written below here --> <CIME_OUTPUT_ROOT>$ENV{MY_CESM_ROOT}/output/$ENV{CESM_GROUP}</CIME_OUTPUT_ROOT> <!-- DIN_LOC_ROOT: location of the inputdata data directory inputdata is downloaded automatically on a case by case basis as long as the user has write access to this directory. We recommend that all cime model users on a system share an inputdata directory as it can be quite large --> <DIN_LOC_ROOT>$ENV{DIN_LOC_ROOT}</DIN_LOC_ROOT> <!-- DIN_LOC_ROOT_CLMFORC: override of DIN_LOC_ROOT specific to CLM forcing data --> <DIN_LOC_ROOT_CLMFORC>$ENV{MY_CESM_ROOT}/shared_lmwg</DIN_LOC_ROOT_CLMFORC> <!-- DOUT_S_ROOT: root directory of short term archive files, short term archiving moves model output data out of the run directory, but keeps it on disk--> <DOUT_S_ROOT>$CIME_OUTPUT_ROOT/archive/$CASE</DOUT_S_ROOT> <!-- BASELINE_ROOT: Root directory for system test baseline files --> <BASELINE_ROOT>$ENV{MY_CESM_ROOT}/cesm_baselines</BASELINE_ROOT> <!-- CCSM_CPRNC: location of the cprnc tool, compares model output in testing--> <CCSM_CPRNC>$ENV{MY_CESM_ROOT}/cesm2.1.3/cime/tools/cprnc/</CCSM_CPRNC> <!-- GMAKE: gnu compatible make tool, default is 'gmake' --> <GMAKE>gmake</GMAKE> <!-- GMAKE_J: optional number of threads to pass to the gmake flag --> <GMAKE_J>8</GMAKE_J> <!-- BATCH_SYSTEM: batch system used on this machine, supported values are: none, cobalt, lsf, pbs, slurm --> <BATCH_SYSTEM>slurm</BATCH_SYSTEM> <!-- SUPPORTED_BY: contact information for support for this system this field is not used in code --> <SUPPORTED_BY>arcts-support@umich.edu</SUPPORTED_BY> <!-- MAX_TASKS_PER_NODE: maximum number of threads*tasks per shared memory node on this machine, should always be >= MAX_MPITASKS_PER_NODE --> <MAX_TASKS_PER_NODE>36</MAX_TASKS_PER_NODE> <!-- MAX_MPITASKS_PER_NODE: number of physical PES per shared node on this machine, in practice the MPI tasks per node will not exceed this value --> <MAX_MPITASKS_PER_NODE>36</MAX_MPITASKS_PER_NODE> <!-- PROJECT_REQUIRED: Does this machine require a project to be specified to the batch system? See PROJECT above --> <PROJECT_REQUIRED>FALSE</PROJECT_REQUIRED> <!-- mpirun: The mpi exec to start a job on this machine, supported values are values listed in MPILIBS above, default and mpi-serial --> <mpirun mpilib="openmpi"> <!-- name of the exectuable used to launch mpi jobs --> <executable>mpiexec</executable> <!-- arguments to the mpiexec command, the name attribute here is ignored--> <arguments> <arg name="num_tasks">-n </arg> </arguments> </mpirun> <mpirun mpilib="mpi-serial"> <executable></executable> </mpirun> <!-- module system: allowed module_system type values are: module http://www.tacc.utexas.edu/tacc-projects/mclay/lmod soft http://www.mcs.anl.gov/hs/software/systems/softenv/softenv-intro.html none --> <module_system type="module" allow_error="true"> <init_path lang="perl">/sw/arcts/centos7/lmod/lmod/init/perl</init_path> <init_path lang="python">/sw/arcts/centos7/lmod/lmod/init/env_modules_python.py</init_path> <init_path lang="csh">/sw/arcts/centos7/lmod/lmod/init/csh</init_path> <init_path lang="sh">/sw/arcts/centos7/lmod/lmod/init/sh</init_path> <cmd_path lang="perl">/sw/arcts/centos7/lmod/lmod/libexec/lmod perl</cmd_path> <cmd_path lang="python">/sw/arcts/centos7/lmod/lmod/libexec/lmod python</cmd_path> <cmd_path lang="sh">module</cmd_path> <cmd_path lang="csh">module</cmd_path> <modules compiler="gnu"> <command name="purge"></command> <command name="load">gcc/8.2.0</command> <!-- <command name="load">openmpi/4.0.2</command> --> <!-- Does not work on GL! --> <command name="load">openmpi/3.1.4</command> <!-- Has bugs openmpi/3.1.4 but seems to work! --> <command name="load">cmake/3.13.2</command> <command name="load">hdf5/1.8.21</command> <command name="load">netcdf-c/4.6.2</command> <command name="load">netcdf-fortran/4.4.5</command> </modules> <modules compiler="intel"> <command name="purge"></command> <!-- <command name="load">intel/19.1</command> --> <command name="load">intel/18.0.5</command> <!-- <command name="load">intel/14.0.2</command> --> <!-- <command name="load">openmpi/4.0.2</command> --> <!-- Does not work on GL! --> <command name="load">openmpi/3.1.4</command> <!-- Has bugs openmpi/3.1.4 but seems to work! --> <command name="load">cmake/3.13.2</command> <command name="load">hdf5/1.8.21</command> <command name="load">netcdf-c/4.6.2</command> <command name="load">netcdf-fortran/4.4.5</command> </modules> </module_system> <!-- environment variables, a blank entry will unset a variable --> <environment_variables> <env name="NETCDF_C_PATH">$ENV{NCDIR}</env> <env name="NETCDF_FORTRAN_PATH">$ENV{NFDIR}</env> <env name="LD_LIBRARY_PATH">$ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH}</env> <env name="OMP_STACKSIZE">256M</env> <!--env name="MPI_TYPE_DEPTH">16</env--> </environment_variables> <!-- resource settings as defined in https://docs.python.org/2/library/resource.html --> <resource_limits> <resource name="RLIMIT_STACK">-1</resource> </resource_limits> </machine> </config_machines>
New CMake file:
string(APPEND CFLAGS " -qno-opt-dynamic-align -fp-model precise -std=gnu99 -L$ENV{NC_ROOT}/lib -lnetcdf -L$ENV{NF_ROOT}/lib -lnetcdff") if (compile_threaded) string(APPEND CFLAGS " -qopenmp") endif() if (NOT DEBUG) string(APPEND CFLAGS " -O2 -debug minimal -xCORE-AVX2") endif() if (DEBUG) string(APPEND CFLAGS " -O0 -g") endif() string(APPEND CPPDEFS " -DFORTRANUNDERSCORE -DCPRINTEL") string(APPEND CXX_LDFLAGS " -cxxlib") set(CXX_LINKER "FORTRAN") set(FC_AUTO_R8 "-r8") string(APPEND FFLAGS " -qno-opt-dynamic-align -convert big_endian -assume byterecl -ftz -traceback -assume realloc_lhs -fp-model source -L$ENV{NC_ROOT}/lib -lnetcdf -L$ENV{NF_ROOT}/lib -lnetcdff") if (compile_threaded) string(APPEND FFLAGS " -qopenmp") endif() if (DEBUG) string(APPEND FFLAGS " -O0 -g -check uninit -check bounds -check pointers -fpe0 -check noarg_temp_created") endif() if (NOT DEBUG) string(APPEND FFLAGS " -O2 -debug minimal -xCORE-AVX2") endif() set(FFLAGS_NOOPT "-O0") set(FIXEDFLAGS "-fixed") set(FREEFLAGS "-free") if (compile_threaded) string(APPEND LDFLAGS " -qopenmp") endif() set(MPICC "mpicc") set(MPICXX "mpicxx") set(MPIFC "mpif90") set(SCC "icc") set(SCXX "icpc") set(SFC "ifort") set(NETCDF_C_PATH $ENV{NETCDF_C_PATH}) set(NETCDF_FORTRAN_PATH $ENV{NETCDF_FORTRAN_PATH}) if (MPILIB STREQUAL mpich) string(APPEND SLIBS " -mkl=cluster") endif() if (MPILIB STREQUAL mpich2) string(APPEND SLIBS " -mkl=cluster") endif() if (MPILIB STREQUAL mvapich) string(APPEND SLIBS " -mkl=cluster") endif() if (MPILIB STREQUAL mvapich2) string(APPEND SLIBS " -mkl=cluster") endif() if (MPILIB STREQUAL mpt) string(APPEND SLIBS " -mkl=cluster") endif() if (MPILIB STREQUAL openmpi) string(APPEND SLIBS " -mkl=cluster") endif() if (MPILIB STREQUAL impi) string(APPEND SLIBS " -mkl=cluster") endif() if (MPILIB STREQUAL mpi-serial) string(APPEND SLIBS " -mkl") endif() set(SUPPORTS_CXX "TRUE") set(HAS_F2008_CONTIGUOUS "FALSE")
The main stumbling block here is that it relies on the environment variables $NETCDF_C_PATH
which are set in the XML file above. Note that these are distinct directories. This will be important later.
Dealing with an unresolved ESMF dependency:
If I follow my usual case creation script, then I do the following
cd ${CASE_DIR} #set in the script above, or use your own source bash.source bash xml_change_helper.sh
which all succeed. However, when I run ./case.build
I get the following error message:
Calling /home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/components/cmeps/cime_config/buildnml
ERROR: ESMFMKFILE not found None
There is likely a more elegant way to fix this, but I fixed this by downloading the ESMF 8.1.1 source code and building it using the following script
module load intel/18.0.5 module load openmpi/3.1.4 export ESMF_LIB=`pwd` export ESMF_CXX=mpicxx export ESMF_COMM=openmpi export ESMF_COMPILER=intel export ESMF_F90=mpif90 make -j8
and run this script in the root directory of the ESMF source (which for me is /home/owhughes/esmf/esmf-ESMF_8_1_1
Once this is built I run find ~+ -name "esmf.mk"
(note: this uses a bash-specific idiom). For me this returns /home/owhughes/esmf/esmf-ESMF_8_1_1/lib/libO/Linux.intel.64.openmpi.default/esmf.mk
Once I add export ESMFMKFILE="/home/owhughes/esmf/esmf-ESMF_8_1_1/lib/libO/Linux.intel.64.openmpi.default/esmf.mk"
to my ${CASE_DIR}/bash.source
file, and run source bash.source
, this resolves the error for this section.
Fixing a bug in the FMS Makefile.cesm
Once the previous modifications are made, I get the following error messages when I attempt to run ./case.build
Error log
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/mpp_io.F90(316): error #7002: Error in opening the compiled module file. Check INCLUDE paths. [NETCDF]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/mpp_io.F90(317): error #7002: Error in opening the compiled module file. Check INCLUDE paths. [NETCDF_NF_DATA]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/mpp_io.F90(318): error #7002: Error in opening the compiled module file. Check INCLUDE paths. [NETCDF_NF_INTERFACES]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/mpp_io.F90(319): error #7002: Error in opening the compiled module file. Check INCLUDE paths. [NETCDF4_NF_INTERFACES]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(653): error #6404: This name does not have a type, and must have an explicit type. [NF_BYTE]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(653): error #6601: In a CASE statement, the case-value must be a constant expression. [NF_BYTE]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(653): error #6612: In a CASE statement, the case-value must be of type INTEGER, CHARACTER, or LOGICAL. [NF_BYTE]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(653): error #6611: The case-value must be of the same type as the case-expr. [NF_BYTE]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(653): error #6404: This name does not have a type, and must have an explicit type. [NF_SHORT]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(653): error #6601: In a CASE statement, the case-value must be a constant expression. [NF_SHORT]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(653): error #6612: In a CASE statement, the case-value must be of type INTEGER, CHARACTER, or LOGICAL. [NF_SHORT]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(653): error #6611: The case-value must be of the same type as the case-expr. [NF_SHORT]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(653): error #6404: This name does not have a type, and must have an explicit type. [NF_INT]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(653): error #6601: In a CASE statement, the case-value must be a constant expression. [NF_INT]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(653): error #6612: In a CASE statement, the case-value must be of type INTEGER, CHARACTER, or LOGICAL. [NF_INT]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(653): error #6611: The case-value must be of the same type as the case-expr. [NF_INT]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(655): error #6404: This name does not have a type, and must have an explicit type. [NF_FLOAT]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(655): error #6601: In a CASE statement, the case-value must be a constant expression. [NF_FLOAT]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(655): error #6612: In a CASE statement, the case-value must be of type INTEGER, CHARACTER, or LOGICAL. [NF_FLOAT]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(655): error #6611: The case-value must be of the same type as the case-expr. [NF_FLOAT]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(657): error #6404: This name does not have a type, and must have an explicit type. [NF_DOUBLE]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(657): error #6601: In a CASE statement, the case-value must be a constant expression. [NF_DOUBLE]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(657): error #6612: In a CASE statement, the case-value must be of type INTEGER, CHARACTER, or LOGICAL. [NF_DOUBLE]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(657): error #6611: The case-value must be of the same type as the case-expr. [NF_DOUBLE]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(667): error #6601: In a CASE statement, the case-value must be a constant expression. [NF_BYTE]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(667): error #6612: In a CASE statement, the case-value must be of type INTEGER, CHARACTER, or LOGICAL. [NF_BYTE]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(667): error #6611: The case-value must be of the same type as the case-expr. [NF_BYTE]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(667): error #6601: In a CASE statement, the case-value must be a constant expression. [NF_SHORT]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(667): error #6612: In a CASE statement, the case-value must be of type INTEGER, CHARACTER, or LOGICAL. [NF_SHORT]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(667): error #6611: The case-value must be of the same type as the case-expr. [NF_SHORT]
errput: ERROR: /home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/mpp_io.F90(316): error #7002: Error in opening the compiled module file. Check INCLUDE paths. [NETCDF]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/mpp_io.F90(317): error #7002: Error in opening the compiled module file. Check INCLUDE paths. [NETCDF_NF_DATA]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/mpp_io.F90(318): error #7002: Error in opening the compiled module file. Check INCLUDE paths. [NETCDF_NF_INTERFACES]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/mpp_io.F90(319): error #7002: Error in opening the compiled module file. Check INCLUDE paths. [NETCDF4_NF_INTERFACES]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(653): error #6404: This name does not have a type, and must have an explicit type. [NF_BYTE]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(653): error #6601: In a CASE statement, the case-value must be a constant expression. [NF_BYTE]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(653): error #6612: In a CASE statement, the case-value must be of type INTEGER, CHARACTER, or LOGICAL. [NF_BYTE]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(653): error #6611: The case-value must be of the same type as the case-expr. [NF_BYTE]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(653): error #6404: This name does not have a type, and must have an explicit type. [NF_SHORT]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(653): error #6601: In a CASE statement, the case-value must be a constant expression. [NF_SHORT]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(653): error #6612: In a CASE statement, the case-value must be of type INTEGER, CHARACTER, or LOGICAL. [NF_SHORT]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(653): error #6611: The case-value must be of the same type as the case-expr. [NF_SHORT]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(653): error #6404: This name does not have a type, and must have an explicit type. [NF_INT]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(653): error #6601: In a CASE statement, the case-value must be a constant expression. [NF_INT]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(653): error #6612: In a CASE statement, the case-value must be of type INTEGER, CHARACTER, or LOGICAL. [NF_INT]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(653): error #6611: The case-value must be of the same type as the case-expr. [NF_INT]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(655): error #6404: This name does not have a type, and must have an explicit type. [NF_FLOAT]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(655): error #6601: In a CASE statement, the case-value must be a constant expression. [NF_FLOAT]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(655): error #6612: In a CASE statement, the case-value must be of type INTEGER, CHARACTER, or LOGICAL. [NF_FLOAT]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(655): error #6611: The case-value must be of the same type as the case-expr. [NF_FLOAT]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(657): error #6404: This name does not have a type, and must have an explicit type. [NF_DOUBLE]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(657): error #6601: In a CASE statement, the case-value must be a constant expression. [NF_DOUBLE]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(657): error #6612: In a CASE statement, the case-value must be of type INTEGER, CHARACTER, or LOGICAL. [NF_DOUBLE]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(657): error #6611: The case-value must be of the same type as the case-expr. [NF_DOUBLE]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(667): error #6601: In a CASE statement, the case-value must be a constant expression. [NF_BYTE]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(667): error #6612: In a CASE statement, the case-value must be of type INTEGER, CHARACTER, or LOGICAL. [NF_BYTE]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(667): error #6611: The case-value must be of the same type as the case-expr. [NF_BYTE]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(667): error #6601: In a CASE statement, the case-value must be a constant expression. [NF_SHORT]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(667): error #6612: In a CASE statement, the case-value must be of type INTEGER, CHARACTER, or LOGICAL. [NF_SHORT]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(667): error #6611: The case-value must be of the same type as the case-expr. [NF_SHORT]
ERROR: FMS build Failed ERROR: /home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/mpp_io.F90(316): error #7002: Error in opening the compiled module file. Check INCLUDE paths. [NETCDF]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/mpp_io.F90(317): error #7002: Error in opening the compiled module file. Check INCLUDE paths. [NETCDF_NF_DATA]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/mpp_io.F90(318): error #7002: Error in opening the compiled module file. Check INCLUDE paths. [NETCDF_NF_INTERFACES]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/mpp_io.F90(319): error #7002: Error in opening the compiled module file. Check INCLUDE paths. [NETCDF4_NF_INTERFACES]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(653): error #6404: This name does not have a type, and must have an explicit type. [NF_BYTE]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(653): error #6601: In a CASE statement, the case-value must be a constant expression. [NF_BYTE]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(653): error #6612: In a CASE statement, the case-value must be of type INTEGER, CHARACTER, or LOGICAL. [NF_BYTE]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(653): error #6611: The case-value must be of the same type as the case-expr. [NF_BYTE]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(653): error #6404: This name does not have a type, and must have an explicit type. [NF_SHORT]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(653): error #6601: In a CASE statement, the case-value must be a constant expression. [NF_SHORT]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(653): error #6612: In a CASE statement, the case-value must be of type INTEGER, CHARACTER, or LOGICAL. [NF_SHORT]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(653): error #6611: The case-value must be of the same type as the case-expr. [NF_SHORT]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(653): error #6404: This name does not have a type, and must have an explicit type. [NF_INT]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(653): error #6601: In a CASE statement, the case-value must be a constant expression. [NF_INT]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(653): error #6612: In a CASE statement, the case-value must be of type INTEGER, CHARACTER, or LOGICAL. [NF_INT]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(653): error #6611: The case-value must be of the same type as the case-expr. [NF_INT]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(655): error #6404: This name does not have a type, and must have an explicit type. [NF_FLOAT]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(655): error #6601: In a CASE statement, the case-value must be a constant expression. [NF_FLOAT]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(655): error #6612: In a CASE statement, the case-value must be of type INTEGER, CHARACTER, or LOGICAL. [NF_FLOAT]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(655): error #6611: The case-value must be of the same type as the case-expr. [NF_FLOAT]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(657): error #6404: This name does not have a type, and must have an explicit type. [NF_DOUBLE]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(657): error #6601: In a CASE statement, the case-value must be a constant expression. [NF_DOUBLE]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(657): error #6612: In a CASE statement, the case-value must be of type INTEGER, CHARACTER, or LOGICAL. [NF_DOUBLE]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(657): error #6611: The case-value must be of the same type as the case-expr. [NF_DOUBLE]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(667): error #6601: In a CASE statement, the case-value must be a constant expression. [NF_BYTE]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(667): error #6612: In a CASE statement, the case-value must be of type INTEGER, CHARACTER, or LOGICAL. [NF_BYTE]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(667): error #6611: The case-value must be of the same type as the case-expr. [NF_BYTE]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(667): error #6601: In a CASE statement, the case-value must be a constant expression. [NF_SHORT]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(667): error #6612: In a CASE statement, the case-value must be of type INTEGER, CHARACTER, or LOGICAL. [NF_SHORT]
/home/owhughes/cesm_src/2022_05_05_FV3/libraries/FMS/src/mpp/include/mpp_io_util.inc(667): error #6611: The case-value must be of the same type as the case-expr. [NF_SHORT]
cam built in 3.614217 seconds
ERROR: BUILD FAIL: cam.buildlib failed, cat /scratch/cjablono_root/cjablono1/owhughes/CESM_ROOT/output/test_cases/2022_05_05_FV3.C96_C96_mg17.FADIAB.36.test_cases.jw06/bld/atm.bldlog.220511-151500
This makes it clear that the FMS build infrastructure is unable to locate the include directories for NetCDF-c and NetCDF-fortran. The problem lies in the file ${CESM_SRC}/libraries/FMS/Makefile.cesm
on lines 175 and 176:
The rest of this makefile makes it clear that the correct conditionals are used so that the SLIBS
variable is set correctly if NETCDF_C_PATH
are set to distinct locations.
Indeed, in the case that the install locations differ the INC_NETCDF_C
variables will be set correctly. However, unlike SLIBS
will always append
even if this variable is unset and INC_NETCDF_C
should be used instead.
The simplest solution I've found to this problem is to replace the two problem lines in FMS/Makefile.cesm
with the following code:
The code just above these modified lines handles the case where e.g. NETCDF_C_PATH
are not set (and throws appropriate errors). I therefore don't bother doing additional
error checking here.
Once these modifications are made, the FV3 test case builds and runs without a hitch.