Creating a Made to Measure MPAS grid.

How to create a variable resolution MPAS grid for the MPAS-A model.

Add introduction here

I'm doing this work on NCAR's cheyenne so I defaultly have access to the Netcdf Cinematic Universe without much setup.

Step 0: get code

I based my code on the wonderful repository that Pedro Peixoto has put online, which can be found here. However, I have uploaded my modified version of the code here

Step 1 installation:

This package plays very nicely with the conda environment manager for python. I cannot recommend enough following an install process based on this toolkit. A minimal conda install can be done by running one of the scripts found here (it doesn't even need root permissions!!).

Once you have your shell configured to run conda, you can follow these instructions: asdfasdf
conda create --name mpas_grid_gen python=3.8 

# I typically specify a python version which differs # from the system version so that e.g. python and python3 both # point to the conda version of python. conda activate mpas_grid_gen conda install --file dev-spec.txt conda install mpas_tools

Actually running the code must be done after running conda activate mpas_grid_gen.

Warning: the original code from Peixoto specifies grid spacings in km on a sphere of radius a=6371kma=6371\mathrm{km} but my code uses a reduced radius sphere with a=3185kma=3185\mathrm{km}

The function localrevVsLatLon inside of defines the density function. In this project I care about creating a factor of 4 refinement of the grid in an axisymmetric band about the equator. If we define the smallest grid spacing r0=15km,r_0 =15\mathrm{km}, the nominal width of the band of refinement φ0=7\varphi_0 = 7^\circ and the power which defines the sharpness of transition (larger power means sharper transition) to be p = 4 then the density function which has units of kilometers is given by dist(φ)=r0(43[1(φφ0)p+1]) \textrm{dist}(\varphi) = r_0 \left(4 - 3 \left[ \frac{1}{\left(\frac{\varphi}{\varphi_0}\right)^p + 1} \right] \right)

you can play with this functional form here.

My implementation of the above density function is given

def localrefVsLatLon(r, earth_radius=6371e3/2, p=False):

""" Create cell width array for this mesh on a locally refined latitude-longitude grid. Input --------- r : float minimun desired cell width resolution in km Returns ------- cellWidth : ndarray m x n array of cell width in km lon : ndarray longitude in degrees (length n and between -180 and 180) lat : ndarray longitude in degrees (length m and between -90 and 90) """ dlat = 0.125 #Make the lat-lon grid ~ 10x finer than resolution at equator, where 1deg ~ 100km dlon = dlat constantCellWidth = r #in km

nlat = int(180./dlat) + 1 nlon = int(360./dlon) + 1

lat = np.linspace(-90., 90., nlat) lon = np.linspace(-180., 180., nlon)

lons, lats = np.meshgrid(lon, lat)

if p: h = plt.contourf(lons, lats, dists) plt.axis('scaled') plt.colorbar()

#Parameters #------------------------------

# Radius (in degrees) of high resolution area maxdist = 7 #ratio of largest grid spacing to smallest grid spacing reduction_factor = 4.0 # defines sharpness of transition. You can play with how this looks here: # power = 4

# initialize with resolution = r (min resolution) factor = 1.0/(np.power(1/maxdist lats, power) + 1) resolution = r (reduction_factor - (reduction_factor-1) * factor)

if p: h = plt.contourf(lons, lats, resolution, cmap="viridis", levels=100) plt.axis('scaled') plt.colorbar()

print(np.min(resolution), np.max(resolution))

cellWidth = resolution #constantCellWidth * np.ones((lat.size, lon.size))

return cellWidth, lon, lat

I use the file to generate grids. This activates the conda environment I need to activate and calls the python script. This script must be called like bash -l because conda expects to run in a login shell.

Breaking down the invocation,

python -r "15" -o "120_30_grid"  -g "localref" #--plot 0
  • -r "15" specifies that the minimum grid spacing is 15km15\mathrm{km} on a sphere with a=3185km a=3185 \mathrm{km}
  • -o "120_30_grid" specifies the output directory and grid prefix that the command will generate.
  • -g "localref" indicates that you want to generate a locally refined unstructured grid. Other options are icosahedral grids, or quasiuniform grids.
  • --plot 0 specifies that you want to see numpy plots of the density function. This takes forever.

Invoking this command will create a folder called 120_30_grid which contains a file called which is the file which is the closest analogue of the mesh files provided on the MPAS website.

I copy this file to a new directory ~/grids/x4.${NCELLS}/x4.${NCELLS} where x4 designates a 4x grid refinement and $NCELLS can be found by running ncdump -h 120_30_grid/ and looking for the nCells dimension.

Step 2: Creating processor decompositions

  • Download the MPAS-Tools repository here
  • in the base directory of the repository, run cd mesh_tools/processor_decompositions

This directory contains a utility to generate processor decompositions so that your grid can be used with different numbers of MPI processes.

Installing metis:

This repository requires the use of the gpmetis program. You can download the source by running (note the last command is very bash-specific)

wget \
  && tar -xf \
  && cd metis-5.1.0 \
  && make config \
  && make \
  && find ~+ -name "gpmetis"

Note the output from the last line. This is the value for ${PATH_TO_GPMETIS} referenced below.

I use the following script to create processor decomposition files and automatically move them to the ~/grids/x4.${NCELLS} directory I mentioned earlier.
conda activate project_2

readonly NCELLS="92067" readonly GRID_PREFIX="x4.${NCELLS}" readonly GRID_DIR="/glade/u/home/owhughes/grids/x4.92067" readonly FILE="${GRID_DIR}/${GRID_PREFIX}" readonly METIS_PATH="${PATH_TO_GPMETIS}" readonly NPROC="288" readonly NBLOCK="288" python --file ${FILE} --metis ${METIS_PATH} --procs ${NPROC} --blocks ${NBLOCK}


And note once again that this must be called as bash -l Here ${NPROC} references the number of MPI processes. ${NBLOCK} sets the decomposition so that processes are split up so that grid cells assigned to a particular MPI process will be in the memory of that node, and minimize communication. I rarely use this and only see minor performance decreases. It doesn't play very well with the CESM CIME framework.

This file will create the following files for x4.${NCELLS}${NBLOCK} and x4.${NCELLS}${NPROC} files in ${GRID_DIR}.

This will allow you to invoke MPI-enabled MPAS executables using mpirun -np ${NPROC} ${PATH_TO_EXECUTABLE}

Step 3: creating ESMF and SCRIP files for this grid

If you want to use your generated grid with any non-MPAS related grid utilities, follow the instructions in this section.

In the root of the MPAS-Tools repository, run cd mesh_tools/mpas2esmf.

Run make (just that command, nothing else needed) and keep adding dependencies until it compiles correctly.

In order to generate the files run

./mpas2esmf ${GRID_DIR}/x4.${NCELLS} "${informative_description_of_grid}" `date "+%F"` 

The output file contains an ESMF description of the file. This is crucial for using your grid within the CIME/CESM framework.

The is useful for regridding. I'll write more about this if I end up using it at some point.

I move to ~/grids/x4.${NCELLS}/x4.${NCELLS}

If you know how to use MPAS, then you can now use these exactly like the files provided by MPAS themselves.

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