Where to find files for modifying the shallow water core in the HOMME dynamical core.
Where to find the shallow water execution scripts
After following the installation structures given elsewhere, you can find the
standard shallow water test cases in ${wdir}/tests/swtc{TEST_CASE_NUMBER}
The scripts within these directories called swtc{TEST_CASE_NUMBER}-run.sh
will run shallow water test cases in using mpirun. These can be submitted
as batch scripts to sbatch
defaultly, but honestly you don't even need to.
They run in around 60 seconds on the login nodes.
The netcdf output appears in movies
. Whee.
Where to modify initial conditions:
In order to modify the initial conditions, look in ${E3SM}/components/homme/src/sweqx/shallow_water_mod.F90
and the subroutines named like tc6_init_state