Final paper 411
Final concentration: Correcting LWP and IWP biases for Arctic mixed-phase clouds in CAM5
Observational background
physics of AMPCs
- Mixed phase clouds at warm temperatures (which??) are microphysically unstable. [RESILIENCE]
- WBF can glaciate in hours
- But observations of mixed phase clouds show they can persist for days or weeks.
- Arctic MPCs different (HOW?)
Replenishing moisture
- Turbulence and cloud-scale upward air motion seem to be critical in maintaining mixed-phase clouds under weak synoptic-scale updrafts [RESILIENCE]
- Strong enough updrafts -> supersaturated w.r.t. ice and water (both grow simultaneously) [RESILIENCE]
- supercooled droplets lead to strong longwave radiative cooling (60K per day near cloud top whoa)
- Coupling to synoptic conditions: Large scale advection creates frequent moisture inversions near cloud top
- Entrainment of above-cloud air actually replenishes cloud water lost to (ice) precip
- Unlike lower latitudes, Special: AMPCs can persist and be replenished even if not dynamically coupled to surface fluxes
- "Weak solar heating, coupled with strong inversions and and a combination of sea ice and ocean at the lower boundary procude clouds with stable temperature profiles" [MPACE]
Surface coupling:
- Radiative cooling of SC water warms surface, cools atmosphere
- Source of static instability: sensible heat flux and moisture drawn upwards into cloud
- Ice often only forms after SC water is present (even if there is substantial ice-supersaturation before LW is present)
- Modeling of these clouds is tremendously difficult [RESILIENCE] last paragraph
These clouds are complex to model
Measuring AMPCs
Atmospheric Radiation Measurement program set up in alaska:
- Barrow (another name) -> oliktok point 0> toolik lake 0-> atqasuk
- Approximates grid cell of GCM, for use in the Single Column Modeling methodology
Barrow site:
- High Spectral Resolution Lidar
- depolarization lidar
- Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer
- Instrumented aircrafts
- Citation
- High Volume Precipitation Sampler
- Counterflow Virtaul Impactor
- Continuous flow ice thermal diffusion chamber.
- Above-clouddeck flights combined with in-situ measurements constrain both radiative budget at cloud boundary as well as concentration of species in cloud
27 sept 2004 to 22 oct 2004
Three separate exemplary clouds.
Main event for us: Single layer stratoform mixed phase
- High pressure over ice pack
- transient low draws moisture to NSA site.
9-11 of october: single layer stratus cloud
Low level northeasterly flow off the ipack ice and over ocean. Persistent low-level clouds under a sharp inversion for entire period
Include: Figure 6 is ground truth.
- Ice precipitation indicated persistently underneath cloud base
- Cloud base at 900m.
Cloud top values for temperature, liquid water content, mean diameter were -16.9C, 0.36g/m^3, 25 um.
- Number concentration 25 #/cm^3 throughout
Figure 7: explains background state given above
Narrow cloud drop distribution. Heterogeneous ice crystals through entire cloud body.
Mixed phase present even with cloud-top temperatures as low as -30C
Fig 1 [MPACE_MIP]: aerial picture of clouds
Modeling Background
- Retrievals from this stratiform cloud case were used to create cloud physical and dynamical fluxes
- mm wavelength cloud radar
- lidar, microwave radiometer.
- Fields:
- cloud top/base
- liquid water/ice water content
- effective particle sizes of liquid/ice
- Uncertainties:
- 20g/m^-2 for liquid water path
- ice water content: 0.002 g/m^-3 based on minimal detectable radar signal (dubious)
- well mixed and capped by inversion
- cloud-topped boundary layer
- Cloud top initially pure liquid
- Temperature and water mixing ration advection calculated from ECMWF reanalysis data
- No in-situ observations of surface fluxes. Taken from ECMWF data
- Focus on single-vs-double moment schemes:
- Mixed-phase processes such as the Wegener Bergeron Findeisen process rely on ice crystal concentration number
- Single moment schemes have only mass, not number concentration
- 10 SCMs with single moment and 10 with double-moment schemes in this paper
- Discussion of bin microphysics schemes beyond scope of this paper
- Table IV:
- 160 pm 60 g/m^2 for liquid water and 7-30 g /m^2 of ice water path.
- Aircraft IWP much higher than remote sensing IWP
- Single model with T-dep ice/liquid partitioning: 21.2 g/m^2
- Single moment but separate ice/water microphysics: 72.8 g/m^2
- double moment: 100 g/m^2
- Ice water path: 33.8, 31.8, 19.9
- That is, models with higher-complexity treatment of ice microphysics are closer to observed values.
- Figure 8: water content vs aircraft retrievals, ice water vs retrievals
- Figure 10: ICNC vs liquid water path: absurd scatter across models (should include this)
- No agreement about ICNC
High degree of heterogeneity among models. Even those that share, e.g., a double moment scheme.
Modeling Interventions
Summary of CAM5
CAM 3 had single-moment microphysics.
But CAM 5 has double moment microphysics
- Microphysics predicts both number and mass concentration for ice and water
- precipitation in ice and snow is diagnosed (from what?)
- Particle distributions treated as gamma functions
Double moment schemes allow cloud properties to be physically coupled to aerosols
Modal aerosol module:
- MAM activates aerosols with appropriate properties to be CCN/INP and generates droplets and ice crystals
- Interactive aerosol effects on both warm and cold clouds
Separate WBF for ice crystals/snow (four fields)
CAM 5 with FV dycore at f19 resolution,
Initialized with MERRA data beginning of each day for M-PACE
Temperature of homogeneous freezing (but only for rain!) increased form -40C to -5C in released cam 5 to tune arctic surface flux
Ice nucleation linked with aerosol properties in this model
- Homogeneous nucleation of sulfate competing with heterogeneous nucleation in mineral dust for ice clouds.
- Mixed phase clouds: deposition/condensation nucleation drawn from Meyers 1992
- Constant IN concentration for T<-20C
- Contact freezing by mineral dust, and Hallet-Mossop SIP are included.
- Immersion of cloud freezing is included.
Limitations of Meyers parameterization:
- Constant amount of IN means that particles are implicitly replenished when ice crystals scavenge INPs.
- Shown in Prenni '07 that Meyers produces too many IN for MPACE case (might be worth a note)
Purpose of this study:
- What happens when Meyers is changed out for Phillips IN scheme
- Empirically derived relationship between mineral dust, black carbon, and hydrophobic organics with temperature
- CAM5 underestimates LWC by 70% and overestimates IWC by factor of 2
- Figure 6 (qualitative over/under estimates)
- Figure 7: cloud fraction is good, but persistent biases in LWC, IWC
- From 5-12th october, cam5 undreestimates downward LW radiative fluxes by 20-40 W/m^2
- Largely due to underestimate of cloud liquid mixing ratio
- Overestimates OLWR by 10 W m^2
- Two processes for turning cloud liquid into snow in CAM5:
- Collection of water by snow
- Evaporation/deposition by WBF
- Figure 10: Ice/Water Budgets
- Fixing instantaneous freezing fixes budget substantially
- Cam5 significantly underestimates aerosol optical depth (is this reanalysis artifact?)
- Tuning parameter for autoconversion from
- Mixed-phase clouds are likely spatially heterogeneous (pockets of ice/water) on the scale of 10^2 m
- Separation of ice from water also slows WBF
- In this study: replace Meyers IN parameterization with calssical nucleation theory
- Nucleation is stochastic, depends on number and size of aerosol particles
- Note: different from above. Same goal
- New WBF:
- WBF process largely depends on contact volume between supercooled liquid droplets and ice crystals
- Typical contact volume in homogeneous gridcell:10^310^510^5
- in heterogenous grid cell: 1010^310^3 if 100 m pockets of liquid and ice butt against each other.
- Relaxation timescale is inversely proportional to contact volume.
- Mass weighted water vapor:
- Certain work indicates RH in mixed phase clouds indicate RH should be close to 100%.
- Heterogeneity could explain observed deviance from the SVP expected if ice and snow are homogeneously mixed.
- Figure 4: comparable to figures from other paper
- Most aggressive slowdown in WBF still underestimates LWC by factor of two.
- Figure 6: Breakdown by microphysical process
- liquid water detrailment from shallow convection is liquid source in ctrl
- WBF process major sink in CTL
- Figure 8:
- If you also decrease accretion rate of liquid rain by snow by same amount as WBF, then you match LWC
- High enough vertical resolution is crucial for maintenance of cloud liquid layers!
- Recommendation:
- Physically based representation of heterogeneous structure rather than tuning parameter.
Integrated sensitivity
- Bin microphysics and SIP
Lonely science: can it be studied in isolation?